Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Exposure Sometimes Makes It Worse for Me
Sometimes, when I am undergoing severe microwave or laser weapon attacks, posting it makes the torture back off. But there have been many times, when various parts of the targeting get worse just because I have written about it. So, I do not write much about the hell I am experiencing.
Friday, January 21, 2022
I Don't Want to Leave
I Don't Want to Leave
copyright Sharon Rose Poet
Has the choices of others
Frozen the path I lead,
Raising walls to render
It impossible and dead?
Is it done - is there
Nothing else I can do
To help our troubled world
To finally make it through?
Or has an Axe been raised
Nothing else I can do
To help our troubled world
To finally make it through?
Or has an Axe been raised
Above my waiting hand,
Because of things I'd do
To save our troubled land?
I guess I must except
What fate has in store,
If its not controlled
Like it has been before.
May Light shine strong
And open a path of Love
Here on our sacred Earth,
As well as up above.
It should be fully here
For every victim's Heart -
The Love that does not want
Us to be torn apart.
This is what I want and
Where I need still be -
In this visible place
Where we can all be free.
Where I need still be -
In this visible place
Where we can all be free.
Inspired by a dream I had this morning. I want to finish living the life I came to lead. We all should have the freedom to do this. I should not be murdered, enslaved or harmed in any other way.
P.S. I initially perceived the dream I'd had as a possible warning of my demise, but I am now realizing that it may have been warning me of someone else's. I'm not sure and do not want to speculate.
Thursday, January 20, 2022
The Sabotaging of Help
The targeting has kept me trapped in a destitute and homeless situation, and deprived of the proper kinds of help, until I either commit suicide, until I get myself checked into a psych ward to be stigmatized and drugged, or until I agree to join and obey the dark/evil organization who targets me. And I am not doing any of these things. A lot of people have wanted to help me, but various types of sabotage have taken place, including that of my business and my jobs.
Around the beginning of the last big vamp up in the targeting, two people who wanted to help me with a place to live and a job were VERY obviously targeted. In one of these situations; the woman who'd offered me help, suddenly experienced her home being broken into, damage done to her property and her beloved cat missing. It appears that the targeting was initially done in these types of obvious ways just to make me feel too scared to turn to people for help, and it worked. But I now realize that these sorts of obvious things would not have continued happening, because it would merely prove the targeting. But other less obvious things can happen and have. There is just cause for concern of caring people who help me being harmed, with laser and microwave weapons, which can make an injury or death appear to be of natural causes.
My business has been severely sabotaged through computer infiltrations....etc. And other jobs have been sabotaged in multiple ways, including damaging vehicles. In recent years; the sabotaging of other jobs has been being done with microwave and laser weapons that inflict me with severe pain when I get a job or am aiming for one. And its not just my business and jobs that have been being sabotaged.
In the past couple months I was offered an old RV for a price I could afford, but right after that my car suddenly sustained one damage after another and the place that has been helping me with vehicle repairs suddenly announced that they are no longer going to do so at the very start of this. I'd need more vehicle repair help, in order to get the RV on the road and maintain it, not less. And I'd still need my car for affordable transportation and a back up... at least until I became sure that the RV would be sound and dependable and parkable. I feel certain that this was a round of the targeting sabotaging my upgrade into a better vehicle to live in, because I am in desperate need of at least this.
The sabotages have been happening in many different ways. And although some of it can be seen as "coincidence" or "just life" at least most of it has really been the targeting keeping me trapped and isolated from the types of help I need most. Its a miracle that I am even still surviving this situation. I am surviving it, thus far, due to the little bits of help I have gotten from a lot of people, and the Light that shines for me...etc. But I really need to be doing far more than just barely surviving, like I have been for a very long time now.
Although I know people who are wealthy enough to loan or gift me the amount of money I need in order to provide myself with a home and other things I need, that help has been being sabotaged too. Below are some of the problems in this arena.
1. Some people may be too scared to help me, because I told them about the targeting of people who had tried to help me in the beginning.
2. People who do not realize or believe that I am really being targeted think that all I have to do is get a job, in order to get out of my situation. They seem to think that living in a car is what I want and what I have chosen. Brainwashings appear to be happening to make some people believe this, because they stay stuck in that belief even after the truth is explained to them.
3. Some people have been intentionally withholding the levels of financial help that would enable me to get out of this homeless situation, until I check myself into a psych ward. It appears that they have been brainwashed into doing this, because it is too cruel for them to be doing on their own accord, especially since I am not "insane" - I have no severe problems in this arena and it would hurt me to go and get stigmatized and drugged...etc.
4. Some people want to help me but can not afford to give or loan me as much as I need.
5. Some people are too greedy or heartless or are part of the targeting and want me to continue suffering.
6. Masses of people have been being brainwashed into thinking that all homeless people are either drug addicts or alcoholics or are "mentally ill" and that these types of people do not deserve help, although they do deserve it and should get it. Masses of people have also been brainwashed into not helping beggars due to some of them being con artists who are not really homeless and just do not want to work and earn their own money, although most of them surely are not this. I am none of these things.
7. Far too few people are aware of the covert targeting that intentionally shoves decent hard-working people into destitution and suffering and holds them trapped there until they perish.
What do I need for help in order to be safe and able to take better care of myself? It all seems too much to expect, at this point. But...
1. I need aware and caring and free officials to be here for me and stopping ALL levels of the targeting from continuing. Until this happens; I need radio wave blockers that would block ALL frequencies of radio waves and still let in the natural energy that I need to survive and thrive on every level. And I'd need them at my home and at my job and in between and in every other place I have to go to, in order for me to get back onto my feet physically and financially...etc.
2. I need to quickly obtain enough money to purchase my own land or home, in a safe, peaceful country location, and to be able to set it up with a shelter...etc., and surveillance so that I have complete control over who accesses the property and when.
3. There are many other things, but above are the basics needed for my long term survival. For short term I need at least a far larger and better vehicle to live in, and to be able to maintain it and heat it and keep gas in it and keep it safe from intrusions...etc.
4. More than anything; I need genuine compassion, understanding, validation, safety from all aspects of the targeting (for other people as well as myself), and to be able to recover from what the targeting has done to me, in order to get on with my life. I deserve and should have this.
P.S. Brainwashings/mind control appears to have been being used on people whom I was close to. There's been a lot of "help" from people who are part of the targeting program. One of the tactics has been to zoom in to "help" so that they can cause more harm and they sometimes use unaware and deceived and brainwwashed people in this process - people who think they are helping... like what is done in a covert "rescue" that is really to force a victim out of their loves and into complete enslavement...etc.
Around the beginning of the last big vamp up in the targeting, two people who wanted to help me with a place to live and a job were VERY obviously targeted. In one of these situations; the woman who'd offered me help, suddenly experienced her home being broken into, damage done to her property and her beloved cat missing. It appears that the targeting was initially done in these types of obvious ways just to make me feel too scared to turn to people for help, and it worked. But I now realize that these sorts of obvious things would not have continued happening, because it would merely prove the targeting. But other less obvious things can happen and have. There is just cause for concern of caring people who help me being harmed, with laser and microwave weapons, which can make an injury or death appear to be of natural causes.
My business has been severely sabotaged through computer infiltrations....etc. And other jobs have been sabotaged in multiple ways, including damaging vehicles. In recent years; the sabotaging of other jobs has been being done with microwave and laser weapons that inflict me with severe pain when I get a job or am aiming for one. And its not just my business and jobs that have been being sabotaged.
In the past couple months I was offered an old RV for a price I could afford, but right after that my car suddenly sustained one damage after another and the place that has been helping me with vehicle repairs suddenly announced that they are no longer going to do so at the very start of this. I'd need more vehicle repair help, in order to get the RV on the road and maintain it, not less. And I'd still need my car for affordable transportation and a back up... at least until I became sure that the RV would be sound and dependable and parkable. I feel certain that this was a round of the targeting sabotaging my upgrade into a better vehicle to live in, because I am in desperate need of at least this.
The sabotages have been happening in many different ways. And although some of it can be seen as "coincidence" or "just life" at least most of it has really been the targeting keeping me trapped and isolated from the types of help I need most. Its a miracle that I am even still surviving this situation. I am surviving it, thus far, due to the little bits of help I have gotten from a lot of people, and the Light that shines for me...etc. But I really need to be doing far more than just barely surviving, like I have been for a very long time now.
Although I know people who are wealthy enough to loan or gift me the amount of money I need in order to provide myself with a home and other things I need, that help has been being sabotaged too. Below are some of the problems in this arena.
1. Some people may be too scared to help me, because I told them about the targeting of people who had tried to help me in the beginning.
2. People who do not realize or believe that I am really being targeted think that all I have to do is get a job, in order to get out of my situation. They seem to think that living in a car is what I want and what I have chosen. Brainwashings appear to be happening to make some people believe this, because they stay stuck in that belief even after the truth is explained to them.
3. Some people have been intentionally withholding the levels of financial help that would enable me to get out of this homeless situation, until I check myself into a psych ward. It appears that they have been brainwashed into doing this, because it is too cruel for them to be doing on their own accord, especially since I am not "insane" - I have no severe problems in this arena and it would hurt me to go and get stigmatized and drugged...etc.
4. Some people want to help me but can not afford to give or loan me as much as I need.
5. Some people are too greedy or heartless or are part of the targeting and want me to continue suffering.
6. Masses of people have been being brainwashed into thinking that all homeless people are either drug addicts or alcoholics or are "mentally ill" and that these types of people do not deserve help, although they do deserve it and should get it. Masses of people have also been brainwashed into not helping beggars due to some of them being con artists who are not really homeless and just do not want to work and earn their own money, although most of them surely are not this. I am none of these things.
7. Far too few people are aware of the covert targeting that intentionally shoves decent hard-working people into destitution and suffering and holds them trapped there until they perish.
What do I need for help in order to be safe and able to take better care of myself? It all seems too much to expect, at this point. But...
1. I need aware and caring and free officials to be here for me and stopping ALL levels of the targeting from continuing. Until this happens; I need radio wave blockers that would block ALL frequencies of radio waves and still let in the natural energy that I need to survive and thrive on every level. And I'd need them at my home and at my job and in between and in every other place I have to go to, in order for me to get back onto my feet physically and financially...etc.
2. I need to quickly obtain enough money to purchase my own land or home, in a safe, peaceful country location, and to be able to set it up with a shelter...etc., and surveillance so that I have complete control over who accesses the property and when.
3. There are many other things, but above are the basics needed for my long term survival. For short term I need at least a far larger and better vehicle to live in, and to be able to maintain it and heat it and keep gas in it and keep it safe from intrusions...etc.
4. More than anything; I need genuine compassion, understanding, validation, safety from all aspects of the targeting (for other people as well as myself), and to be able to recover from what the targeting has done to me, in order to get on with my life. I deserve and should have this.
P.S. Brainwashings/mind control appears to have been being used on people whom I was close to. There's been a lot of "help" from people who are part of the targeting program. One of the tactics has been to zoom in to "help" so that they can cause more harm and they sometimes use unaware and deceived and brainwwashed people in this process - people who think they are helping... like what is done in a covert "rescue" that is really to force a victim out of their loves and into complete enslavement...etc.
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Four Great MLK Quotes, Which I Can Relate To
"There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him that it is right." ~ Martin Luther King
"The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people, but is the silence over that by the good people." ~ Martin Luther King
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." ~ Martin Luther King
"Darkness can not drive out darkness; only Light can do that. Hate can not drive out hate; only Love can do that." ~ Martin Luther King
"The ultimate tragedy is not the oppression and cruelty by the bad people, but is the silence over that by the good people." ~ Martin Luther King
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." ~ Martin Luther King
"Darkness can not drive out darkness; only Light can do that. Hate can not drive out hate; only Love can do that." ~ Martin Luther King
Monday, January 10, 2022
One of my Favorite Movies
The movie - "Still Mine," staring James Cromwell and Geneviève Bujold, is one of my favorites. Its packed with lessons about elderly people and the importance of them retaining their needed and desired independence in their own homes. It also addresses the problem of new building codes preventing people from building affordable homes for themselves on their own land.
This movie was based on a true story that happened in Canada, but its multitudes of lessons can help everyone everywhere. Its a movie that reaches hearts. I hope it reaches yours.
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Miracle of Realization?
Miracle of Realization
copyright Sharon Rose Poet
Its held my loved ones trapped in its sly deceptions
And damaged my most needed and treasured relations,
How do I let go of what continues to taint my life?
How do I survive under the jealous, hateful knife?
There is no letting go of what continues to intrude
Until realization of truth enables all of us to elude.
But can Truth permeate their strongest dark walls
And let Light reach all the hearts it still sadly calls?
Thursday, January 6, 2022
Never Blame Ourselves
Never Blame Ourselves
copyright Sharon Rose Poet
It is very difficult for the kind and honest
To fathom the darkness that lurks on hidden shelves.
When we finally see it, we should never blame ourselves.
Distractions of Turmoil
Distractions of Turmoil
copyright Sharon Rose Poet
Turmoil was cast upon everyone else
As greed came off its hidden shelf.
I wish the truth extended beyond me
For everyone else to fully see,
So that Light can win the races;
Washing masks from evil places,
And letting in only a Love
That hate can't rise above.
My heart aches for the victims
When that covert darkness wins.
It should never win again.
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