Sunday, February 20, 2022

A Horrid Injustice

There is a horrid injustice in the ways that the field of psychiatry tells people that there is something wrong with them when all they are experiencing is either natural feelings or the suppression of natural feelings that they should be encouraged to embrace.

I wrote these poems for an unhappy victim of psychiatric stigmatization. 

 Nothing is Wrong With Me
copyright Sharon R. Poet

I am not what they see,
Not "depressive" or "ADD",
Not too good or too bad
And not even their "SAD."
Sometimes I feel fear.
Sometimes anger's here.
Sometimes I feel sad.
Sometimes I feel glad.
Sometimes nothing at all
In the brink of a call.
Being human is not wrong.
Its our purest best song.
I am not what they see -
Nothing is wrong with me.

Come Sun or Rain 
copyright Sharon R. Poet

There's no quick fix for inner healing.
We can't avoid what needs the feeling.
We must embrace the natural way,
And see the good in every day,
Where warming sun or cooling cloud
, And happiness or crying out loud,
Are all OK and are meant to be
So that our hearts remain free.

I Cry for Me
copyright Sharon R. Poet

I cry sometimes, just for me,
So that I can be more happy.

What they call "depression" is most often either natural human feelings of sadness being felt and released the way they should be, or the suppression/numbing of sadness, which needs to be fully felt and released in a natural grieving process.
  What they call "ADD" is sometimes just a habit some people developed in efforts to avoid thinking about a bad experience and to avoid natural feelings of sadness or fear. (And what they call ADHD in children is surely sometimes caused by overdoses of caffeine and sugar and not enough exercise.)
  And this list could go on and on and on and most of it is merely common sense. It takes no expert to realize these things. But the pharmaceuticals also block common sense. So how many can even listen to their own instincts and common sense and feel the truths? There is something horribly wrong with the way masses of people have been mislead by professionals, (who convince them that "the doctor knows best") and remain blind to the truths they need to know for the sake of their own inner health.

Like I have been writing about since the 1990s; telling people that there is something wrong with them, instead of focusing on healing and aiding the natural personal growth process, hurts people. And the brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals, which are usually given with the depressing "mental illness" labels, hurts them even more, through blocking their hearts and instincts and the natural process of personal growth.

Attaching those labels - telling people that there is something wrong with them, and/or suppressing them with pharmaceuticals, shoves some people into a dark depressing hole that there is no way out of, because they fully believe that there is something wrong with them and do not know that their feelings are natural and that their inner wounds can be healed.
  Humanity should have FAR MORE wise and caring support, in the process of healing from past difficulties and embracing the natural process of personal growth, especially since its been forced so far into the destructive opposite direction. And we should have new laws to stop the psychological abuse that has been happening to people through places that portray themselves as sources of help. Psychological abuse is far more damaging than most physical abuses that are already illegal.

A mantra for people who have been convinced that there is something wrong with them; I AM OK THE WAY I AM. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME. I CAN HEAL AND GROW AND EVOLVE. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME. I AM OK THE WAY I AM. (Say this to yourself over and over again until you fully feel its truth.)

   I used this sort of mantra in the late 1980s and early 1990s and it helped me a lot. I never had a professional tell me that there was something wrong with me, but some of my family members had and I needed to stop believing it, in order to regain my self-esteem...etc. When I sought help, I found a wise and caring psychologist who helped me to heal and believe in myself, instead of hurting me more. (I was lucky.) After that I got a job in the "mental health" field and realized how rare this was and how many people not only do not get helped, but get hurt even more when they seek "mental health" help. Even many general medical doctors label and drug people, instead of supporting the natural healing process. I personally know many people who have been hurt by the "mental illness" labeling and drugging. And my heart aches for them.

P.S. Can you imagine people being told that there is something wrong with them when all they are suffering from is the effects of the radio waves that have been flooding our communities and interfering with brain function? I'm sure this has also been happening on a massive scale. There should be far more awareness of every aspect of the evil targeting of humanity and how much the whole medical field has been either involved or used in it. Its not right to let people trust what is not trustworthy and continue being hurt by what should be stopped.

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