Wednesday, May 11, 2022
A VERY Sad Scenario
When there is no acknowledgement of an abuse, and there is no validation, no understanding and no compassion for those who got hurt by it; it remains unsolvable, especially when the abuse continues. And its even more unsolveable when the victims of abuses or crimes get blamed for it or are made out to the bad one, because this is just more abuse. Unfortunately this is the way of the evil targeting, both inside and outside heavily targeted families. Its so sad!
Monday, May 9, 2022
Good is Good and Bad is Bad
In that dark "good is bad and bad is good,"
But in the Light Good is Good and bad is bad.
Thursday, May 5, 2022
The "Mental Health" Problem
I just got a visit from two guys who were from a mental health facility that is operating under the name of a "Public Health" Service." It was probably an attempt to (or a covert threat to) have me labeled and drugged and possibly even institutionalized. But I swung the table on them; I told them about how corrupt the "mental health" field is; I told them about things I witnessed in the "mental Health" facility I worked in and about the New Hampshire Parenting Magazine's article that strongly implied that a child feeling sadness is a sign of "mental Illness"...etc. I talked to them about genuine healing instead of labeling/stigmatizing and drugging people who just need love and kindness and healing. And I asked them to think about what they are a part of and if they want to be used to hurt people instead of GENUINELY helping people. I don't know if I really reached them, because they were probably puppets for those who target me, but if they have any heart left they will think about what I said and do some research.
Hopefully they will not try to do anything against me just because I am obviously going through tough times and am living in my car. Is living in a car or going through tough times now listed as a "mental illness"? Since normal, natural sadness has been listed in the DSM as a "mental illness", it wouldn't surprise me if poverty is too. Is knowing about how corrupt the field of psychiatry is now a "mental illness"? I'm sure some could twist it into that, in order to prevent awareness. But I must stand strong anyway.
I'm glad that those who target me did not do the trick of vamping up the microwave targeting, while I talked to those guys, just to make me look mentally ill. They really have nothing to go on - they'd have to lie in order to have me picked up and put away, which I guess is possible, but it hopefully will not happen.
I know that vicitms like myself even just writing about our experiences with the covert targeting, makes us look "mentally ill" in a world that is not aware of the targeting and has been brainwashed into thinking that way. But I am standing up anyway, because the truths about the targeting should become known by everyone so that understanding and validation and the PROPER KINDS OF HELP can reach victims of covert targeting.
I feel that the "mental health" field is not only extremely corrupt, but that a lot of it is literally criminal and should be shut down and replaced with good healthy people who are into GENUINELY helping people to heal, instead of preventing healing with false "mental illness" lables and the suppressing pharmaceuticals, which they enable the distribution of.
I feel that the field of psychiatry, and the rest of the medical field, has been used in the evil targeting of humanity far more than any other organizations have. Like I have said in my past writings; it is not a coincidence that the brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals, which both the "mental health" and medical field heavily pushes upon masses of unaware people, also aids all aspects of the mind control part of the evil targeting of humanity, because it blocks peoples instincts and intuition and leaves them more susceptible to all types of brainwashings...etc. These pharmaceuticals also block people's Hearts and makes them more apt to seek vengeance instead of choosing healthy resolutions to problems. The negative effects of the mass distribution of the brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals (which have also been found in public drinking water) are VERY evident in our troubled world. What they have been doing to humanity is a holocaustal crime against humanity and it should be known by everyone and prevented from continuing.
Hopefully they will not try to do anything against me just because I am obviously going through tough times and am living in my car. Is living in a car or going through tough times now listed as a "mental illness"? Since normal, natural sadness has been listed in the DSM as a "mental illness", it wouldn't surprise me if poverty is too. Is knowing about how corrupt the field of psychiatry is now a "mental illness"? I'm sure some could twist it into that, in order to prevent awareness. But I must stand strong anyway.
I'm glad that those who target me did not do the trick of vamping up the microwave targeting, while I talked to those guys, just to make me look mentally ill. They really have nothing to go on - they'd have to lie in order to have me picked up and put away, which I guess is possible, but it hopefully will not happen.
I know that vicitms like myself even just writing about our experiences with the covert targeting, makes us look "mentally ill" in a world that is not aware of the targeting and has been brainwashed into thinking that way. But I am standing up anyway, because the truths about the targeting should become known by everyone so that understanding and validation and the PROPER KINDS OF HELP can reach victims of covert targeting.
I feel that the "mental health" field is not only extremely corrupt, but that a lot of it is literally criminal and should be shut down and replaced with good healthy people who are into GENUINELY helping people to heal, instead of preventing healing with false "mental illness" lables and the suppressing pharmaceuticals, which they enable the distribution of.
I feel that the field of psychiatry, and the rest of the medical field, has been used in the evil targeting of humanity far more than any other organizations have. Like I have said in my past writings; it is not a coincidence that the brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals, which both the "mental health" and medical field heavily pushes upon masses of unaware people, also aids all aspects of the mind control part of the evil targeting of humanity, because it blocks peoples instincts and intuition and leaves them more susceptible to all types of brainwashings...etc. These pharmaceuticals also block people's Hearts and makes them more apt to seek vengeance instead of choosing healthy resolutions to problems. The negative effects of the mass distribution of the brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals (which have also been found in public drinking water) are VERY evident in our troubled world. What they have been doing to humanity is a holocaustal crime against humanity and it should be known by everyone and prevented from continuing.
Wednesday, May 4, 2022
The Dreaded Sticky Stuff
Since I took down most of the two primary blogs, that I was writing in since 2011, I am feeling like I should repost some of my experiences with the targeting. I hope it helps to validate other genuine Targeted Individuals...
In the past two days it appears that something sticky was put onto the cap of my little battery operated blender. I had not noticed it right away and rubbed my eyes with my fingers and now have an infection in my eye. I am not sure if this is what caused the infection, but it happened at the same time, so it most likely is. (I'm washing my eye with a bit of baking soda and sea salt disolved in water and it seems to be helping.)
I have felt that those who target me were drugging me with the sticky stuff they have often put on surfaces I frequently touch, but there also appears to be some sort of fungi or bacteria in it. Its sticky and hard to remove with normal cleaners. (Its like the stuff they have also sprayed on my windshields, in order to prevent me from seeing through it when it rained.) They used to put it on my steering wheel, on door handles, on the money they'd have their puppets give me, when I've had to beg for help on the streets, and on the public toilet seats I'd used on a regular basis. But I have been avoiding these things as much as possible. I now even use a bucket in my back seat, to poop and pee in, instead of using public bathrooms most of the time. But its impossible to protect myself from all of it while living in a vehicle that they can access and while having nobody here to help me protect my belongings when I have to leave my car to go into stores for necessities. I have to go into stores to get food and I have to sleep and these things make me and my car/home and belongings too vulnerable, which is VERY frustrating, to say the least.
I feel deeply violated with all aspects of the targeting, but especially the parts where they intrude upon my body or my writings or my car/home/personal space.
I do not even do normal pharmaceuticals whenever I can avoid them, so criminals forcing chemicals into my body feels like a horribly intrusive violation to me, even more so than the microwaves and laser shots they have been violating my body with on a regular basis. They have also stolen some of my journals and print outs from my car...etc. Its all just too horribly wrong!
Please do not assume that I am crazy. This is what those who target me want you to think. The truth is that this is NOT "paranoid schizophrenia" - its real targeting, which is not in the victims imagination and should be far more openly acknowledged and completely stopped from continuing. Most victims have gotten absolutely no validation and no understanding from anyone and this is just too sad. The crimes that are being commited against us are VERY real and extremely inhumane. And the fact that we suffer alone, without validation or understanding or the types of help that can come from these two things, makes the crimes FAR worse than they would otherwise be. Please give us the benefit of your doubt.
P.S. Since the summer of 2011 my primary blog was at and later also at I used these from the summer of 2011 to the time when I started this blog at
I recently had a dream that showed people now thinking that I am copying someone else, because of my previous writings being mostly taken down. I have thought about reposting the heart of those old blogs, but am concerned that more will be altered or erased in them if I access them now. They have already been tampered with, through erasing things and changing dates of posts...etc., and I do not want more to happen to them. The same sorts of things have been done to my books. I've had a serious problem with computer infiltrations that interfere with my blog and book writings and also with being forced to change publishers and being forced to rewrite books...etc. Hopefully people will understand and listen to the Heart of their own instincts.
There is a lot more in my books than there is in my blogs. My most recent books are published with Barnes and Noble and some are still on Amazon and all the latest editions are on my website;
I have felt that those who target me were drugging me with the sticky stuff they have often put on surfaces I frequently touch, but there also appears to be some sort of fungi or bacteria in it. Its sticky and hard to remove with normal cleaners. (Its like the stuff they have also sprayed on my windshields, in order to prevent me from seeing through it when it rained.) They used to put it on my steering wheel, on door handles, on the money they'd have their puppets give me, when I've had to beg for help on the streets, and on the public toilet seats I'd used on a regular basis. But I have been avoiding these things as much as possible. I now even use a bucket in my back seat, to poop and pee in, instead of using public bathrooms most of the time. But its impossible to protect myself from all of it while living in a vehicle that they can access and while having nobody here to help me protect my belongings when I have to leave my car to go into stores for necessities. I have to go into stores to get food and I have to sleep and these things make me and my car/home and belongings too vulnerable, which is VERY frustrating, to say the least.
I feel deeply violated with all aspects of the targeting, but especially the parts where they intrude upon my body or my writings or my car/home/personal space.
I do not even do normal pharmaceuticals whenever I can avoid them, so criminals forcing chemicals into my body feels like a horribly intrusive violation to me, even more so than the microwaves and laser shots they have been violating my body with on a regular basis. They have also stolen some of my journals and print outs from my car...etc. Its all just too horribly wrong!
Please do not assume that I am crazy. This is what those who target me want you to think. The truth is that this is NOT "paranoid schizophrenia" - its real targeting, which is not in the victims imagination and should be far more openly acknowledged and completely stopped from continuing. Most victims have gotten absolutely no validation and no understanding from anyone and this is just too sad. The crimes that are being commited against us are VERY real and extremely inhumane. And the fact that we suffer alone, without validation or understanding or the types of help that can come from these two things, makes the crimes FAR worse than they would otherwise be. Please give us the benefit of your doubt.
P.S. Since the summer of 2011 my primary blog was at and later also at I used these from the summer of 2011 to the time when I started this blog at
I recently had a dream that showed people now thinking that I am copying someone else, because of my previous writings being mostly taken down. I have thought about reposting the heart of those old blogs, but am concerned that more will be altered or erased in them if I access them now. They have already been tampered with, through erasing things and changing dates of posts...etc., and I do not want more to happen to them. The same sorts of things have been done to my books. I've had a serious problem with computer infiltrations that interfere with my blog and book writings and also with being forced to change publishers and being forced to rewrite books...etc. Hopefully people will understand and listen to the Heart of their own instincts.
There is a lot more in my books than there is in my blogs. My most recent books are published with Barnes and Noble and some are still on Amazon and all the latest editions are on my website;
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My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine
When it comes to conflict, its important to be wise enough to look at both sides, before passing judgement. Most of us do this; we ask ...

The world is still twisting In the same hell bent way. I've said it all before. There's nothing left to say. When will it change?
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