Thursday, July 28, 2022

No More!

No More!
copyright 7-28-2022 Sharon Rose Poet

I've been through it all before;
Round after round of torturous hell
And the unreachable locked door.
I can not go through it again and
I should not be put through more.

I beg those who do the targeting to stop - stop hurting me and stop hurting humanity. I beg officials who are aware to stand up and be here for us; please stand up to expose and stop all levels of the covert targeting, including the tortures and the mind control. We need you to be here for us, especially for victims who are not aware and never even try to seek or get any sort of help.

Flood of Emotions

    I recently had a dream about a flood in my family of origin; in the dream I am caught up in a flood, that rages through it, and I am desperately groping for something solid to hold onto as the waters sweep me away, but the structure keeps breaking apart - there is nothing solid for me to hold onto there.
    I had thought that this part of my dream was prophetic, but it appears to be about what has already happened...
    In the past year I had stood up (from a distance) for the first time in my family of origin. And I did not handle it well due to my overwhelming pain and concern for my father.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Trauma Induced Control

People who are in a state of emotional trauma are more impressionable - more controllable. And this is why those who do the covert targeting have used the tactic of inflicting emotional trauma upon the victims whom they have not been able to control in other ways, like with the pharmaceuticals.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Lasering of My Foot?

   It appears that my foot was being damaged with a laser weapon starting on June 25th. It caused severe pain where the achilles tendon attaches to my heel, especially when I walked.  I had done absolutely nothing to injure myself - I had not fallen or twisted my foot and I had not been exercising or doing excessive walking or anything unusual. The pain just suddenly started happening although there was no injury, which is why I feel it was another laser weapon attack.  I have experienced many of these sorts of attacks and they are usually to sabotage a job or to punish me through making me suffer. 
   My foot is a lot better now - only mild pain and tightness when I walk. And I hope it is allowed to return to normal.

Under the Guise of "Help"

  Evil often operates under the guise of “help," but it’s the type of “help” that serves their goals, not the type that the victim need...