Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Honoring Our Natural Gender

 I think its really sad that so many people do not appreciate or honor their own natural gender or their own natural sense of sexuality. I believe that the vast majority of the current gay/lesbian movement is the result of pharmaceutical and microwave mind control. And I hope that freedom, from all types of negative influences, is quickly gained so that people (especially our children) can be free to honor their own natural gender and their own natural sense of sexuality...for the sake of their wellbeing.

Honoring my Natural Gender
copyright 3-28-2023 Sharon R. Poet

I am supposed to honor the natural way I am.
I was born a woman and I should stay this way,
No matter what some other people do or say.
And I preferred Love, with a kind and gentle man,
And wanted no shallow sex in someone else’s hand.
I am supposed to honor the natural way I am.

Natural Sexuality
copyright 3-28-2023 Sharon R. Poet

Was it abuse that made you turn away?
Were you brainwashed into being gay?
I hope honoring your natural sexuality
Becomes, for you, a healing reality.

P.S. For the record, I do not judge adults who choose to be lesbian or gay, but I do want it to be a free choice for them, and I do not want our children to be influenced/confused by the microwave mind control or by what should be private sexual choices of adults.
   In case you are wondering; No, I have never been sexual with a woman and its not due to a lack of opportunities. I had been approached many times and I always followed my own heart and my own instincts, which told me that it just did not feel right or good for me.
   At this point in my life I have chosen celibacy and do not want a sexual relationship with a man either. If I ever gain freedom from the targeting, my focus will be on healing and honoring my own natural spirituality and I will not want distractions from this, especially not energy draining ones.

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