Wednesday, April 26, 2023

A Final Message and an Accident

 I hit a solid wall with my aims to help my father be returned to his home and have kind and neutral help there for him. Yesterday I woke with a steady flow of silent tears. It felt like my soul was deeply grieving. And then I decided that I had to shut the door on this whole family situation, for the sake of my own health and wellbeing. So, I blocked the cell phone, that my sister and her daughter are harassing me on, and let other people know that I am taking some time to myself. But then my sister or her daughter sent yet another harassing text, which was a little crying face, and I realized that they were not blocked. But I figured out my mistake and blocked them. And I decided to send them one final message, because I sensed that they are happily celebrating their win. My final message to them was… 

“You may think you beat me, but what you really beat was an old man’s wish to be in his own home and his psychological needs…etc. I don’t know how you live with yourselves. I promise that the world will know the truth now, names and all.”

My sister has been saying that I tell “the world,” about them, but I haven’t been. I have been withholding my sister’s names and my family name out of consideration for them on this blog. But they have still been trying to threaten me into silence.
   For the first time in my life I have been standing up against my sister's abuse, both inside my family and on this blog, in the past couple years. People should be able to fully stand up against ongoing abuse, with the whole truth including the names of the abusers, because THERE WOULD BE A LOT LESS ABUSE IN OUR WORLD IF THE ABUSERS WERE MORE WORRIED ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE FINDING OUT ABOUT WHAT THEY DO, AND IF THERE WERE LAWS THAT CAN BE ENFORCED TO STOP THE ABUSERS FROM CONTINUING TO HURT PEOPLE. But nowadays victims who stand up and publicly tell the truth are apt to be viewed (and possibly even prosecuted) as the one who is wrong, due to there being so many abusers who publicly lie about their victims, like my sister has done to me, and also due to the abusers claiming that their victims are the ones who are lieing, like my sisters do to me.

Victims, like myself, have too often gotten hit with lies and even more abuse when we openly tell the truth. And this has to change.

I am probably not going to publicly share my sister's names, because they are apt to seek vengeance and I really can't handle anymore of their manipulative hate right now. I really need to completely close the door on their abuse and not let anymore of it into my life, ever again.
   Its been hell opening that door to them and their abusive children, in order to stand up for my father in my family, but now its time to close it, because there is nothing more I can do for my father... and I matter too. I have been separate from my family of origin through most of my adult life, due to the targeting of me inside the family. Its not a safe or healthy place for me. I wish so much that it were, but its not. And its gotten worse, instead of better, since 2003. 

We need laws to protect people from emotional and mental abuse and sadistic manipulations, because these things can hurt people in worse ways than most physical abuses. So, I am definitely going to publicly share more of my own experiences, and things that I've witnessed happening to other people, with the hope that it will help our judicial system to create new laws for victims of these sorts of crimes, especially for vulnerable children and elderly people.

The Accident

Shortly after I sent that final text message to my sister and her daughter, I drove through an intersection where a serious vehicle accident had just happened. If I had not delayed for something, I would have reached that intersection just about exactly when the accident happened. This sort of thing has happened, at strategic times, too much to be a coincidence every time. I suspect that at least some of these accidents are caused by blasts of microwaves effecting the drivers or their vehicles.
   These “accidents” remind me of what my second oldest sister wrote about me on a website when she was slandering me in 2005. She wrote, “Disasters happen everywhere she goes, because she is evil.” The truth is that the vehicle “accidents” seem to sometimes happen because I am being targeted by evil forces, who use microwave weapons. And the evil forces have been targeting me, both inside and outside my family, because I am good.

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