Monday, April 24, 2023

New Twist in my Father’s Situation

My father has been wanting go back home for OVER six weeks now, since at least March 8th, when he told me that he will be home "as soon as possible." In my sister's recent email the headline reads, "Dad's not going to be returned until issues get resolved..." Now, she is holding him hostage, until the "issues," which she has been and still is creating, get resolved. The past issues cannot be resolved due to her denial of her own problems with fabricating things and projecting her problems onto me...etc. And the current ones cannot be resolved due to her and her daughter's ongoing manipulations, fabrications, false accusations, insults and projections of their own abusive behaviors...etc.

My father wants to return home and they do not want him to and it appears that they are still raising hell in the family, in order to use it as an excuse to keep him isolated in Ohio.

My heart aches for my father. Even though things, that my sister recently manipulated him into doing against me, upset and hurt me a LOT, I do not blame him, because I know its due to what they are doing to him. In the past week, my heart has wanted to write him a letter just to tell him how much I love him and that I forgive him, but my sister gets his mail and I am concerned that she may replace it with something she has fabricated just to hurt him even more and turn him against me even more than she already has. She has done this sort of thing in the past, through fabricating emails that she pretended were from me. There is also a danger of the wrath in both of my sisters being triggered if my father gets my love in a letter and responds to it in kind, because they do not want us to even have a relationship, let alone a loving one. Love between my parents and the rest of us children has always triggered their jealous hatred. And my father should not be hurt anymore. He has already been hurt too much. I fear that my sister and her daughter have already traumatized my father so much, since they took him to Ohio, that he may never recover. I hope he returns home soon, so that I can send him my love without any sort of interference or problems arising from it.

I pray that she does not continue holding him hostage. He wants to be home and he should have been returned to his home LONG BEFORE NOW. The longer she keeps him in Ohio, raising discord, the more she is destroying him psychologically. Please help pray for him to be set free.

I suspect that my sister was just recently informed that I had sent reports to the Sheriff department in Ohio, because she is now suddenly trying to find things in my writings that she can used against me in the judicial system. And she appears to have relaunched her aim to prove me insane. I gave her an ultimatum; bring our father back home or I will take the final steps in that direction.
   She or her daughter sent me a picture through my father's cell phone yesterday; the pic was of the acknowledgement page of one of my books. And next to where I thanked God for giving me the courage to write the book, they had written, "Voices in the head." I laughed at this one, even though I am so distressed about the whole situation, because them trying to twist my belief in God as insanity and "voices" in my head is so ridiculous that it just makes them look bad.
   This has been one of my sister's tactics since 2003; she convinced the family that I was "insane" and then basically told me that if I do not shut up and stay away from the family she is going to have the whole family imprison me in an institution. BOTH of my sisters have so much control in the family that they may even still be able to accomplish this. BUT I have learned, in recent years, that no matter what they fabricate about me, they can not force me into an institution unless they can prove that I am a danger to myself or other people. So, all I have to do is continue keeping my distance from the family, and continue not having verbal conversations that can enable them to fabricate things.
  That "voices in the head" picture was sent as I pulled into the parking lot of my post office, to mail new evidence to the Sheriff in Ohio. Coincidence?

P.S. I have been sensing a danger in my sister's daughter. I think she has become dark as hell, which does not surprise me, because her heart was very blocked when she was a young child, and she was raised by my sister and the unhealthy men she had been with back then.

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