Thursday, July 20, 2023

Please Help People who Suffer from "Dementia"

   I recently tried to help my father through sending my family members doctor reports about how fasting and a diet change and doing raw juices for high doses of certain natural vitamins and minerals, has been found to help many people who have various types of dementia. This was to show them that doctors also advise this - that it has not just been me advising it through the past two years. But it still appears to have had no impact at all. It was initially met with rejection and a pretense that our father has "always" been on a diet that is good for him, which is not at all true. Then it was met with the usual dysfunctional belligerent chaos, that I had to set a boundary against.
   Last night I put it all in God's hands and prayed hard that a Light will shine, for those who have put themselves in charge of my father's life and health, to find the heart to get him the proper kind of medical help. Unfortunately there is nothing else I can do for my father in my family. And, for the sake of my own health, I must stay out of the darkness that my family has been engulfed by, at least until they are free of it and have found their hearts again.
   I have been trying to help my father with this for about two years now and (for me) its been like being swept up in dark tornadoes, that are created by various family members, every time anything good is happening to help our father...and I just can't take anymore of it, especially since it has been literally impossible for me to reach through that hell and safely be there for my father.
   Hopefully my father will somehow get the type of medical help, that he should have, even if there is only a slight chance of it actually helping him, at this point. I have done all that I could for him to get it. So, it's now in God's hands.

Unfortunately, in my family, it appears that there are those who actually want to let my father suffer and die, instead of getting him the proper medical help. He's worth a lot of money at this point, and there are also those who have always leaned more toward covert vengeance rather than resolving conflicts with him and other family members. Its a horrid situation.
   But part of the problem with "dementia" is also the types of doctors who only issue the death sentence and UNhelpful pharmaceuticals, and the fact that many people (especially the puppets) have been brainwashed into thinking that these types of doctors are the ones who "know best" and that real/natural medicine is not good or safe or helpful, even though the truth is the complete opposite of this.

Please help people who suffer from dementia, to get the type of medical help they need and should have. And help everyone else to become aware of how dementia can be prevented. And the same goes for all other illnesses.

In my research I found an organized group that has been helping to pass laws that restore our freedom to choose the truly helpful natural types of medicine, instead of being forced to use only man made pharmaceuticals, which have been most often prescribed without disclosure of the possible harmful side effects...

National Health Freedom Coalition

P.S. Aside from the proper kinds of medical help, many people also need the microwave/radiowave and parasite and other parts of the evil targeting, to be stopped, in order for physical healing to take place.

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