Wednesday, July 19, 2023

A True Statement Unfairly Shamed

I have found a few interesting things in my grope for hope for America and humanity in our new presidential candidates. But, sadly, when rays of Light shine in they have sometimes been being doused by harassment from the puppet parts of the media. I previously wrote about RFK Jr. being a victim of this. But Marianne Williamson also has been...

The video below shows that parts of the media have been giving Marianne Williamson a hard time due to part of a conversation she was having with a loved one. In that conversation Marianne said, "...clinical depression, even that's such a scam. It just means somebody in a clinic said it." I was surprised to hear that level of awareness in a politician. And I was shocked that, after being negatively confronted, Marianne apologized for saying this instead of explaining the VERY real "scam" she was talking about. What she said was NOT wrong, because it was a portrayal of a VERY REAL PROBLEM that everyone should become aware of. No matter how she worded it, it was not wrong.
   I have worked in the field of "mental health," and I am aware of the problem with the DSM and it's false "mental illness" labeling, which Dr. Thomas Szasz and many other psychiatrists have stood up against since around the 1950s. Sadly, Dr. Szasz died. He and other professionals appear to have been covertly targeted for standing up against the DSM. The DSM continued being used, and masses of healthy people (including children) continued to be labeled as "mentally ill," and prescribed psychiatric pharmaceuticals, when all they truly have is things like natural human feelings that simple things, like just a bit of support with a normal grieving process, or less caffeine and sugar in the diet, or more understanding and love...etc., would permanently cure.
   Those who think that what Marianne said is wrong, should do some research on the facts... The DSM even had "sadness" listed as a just cause for the "mental illness" label and the prescribing of antidepressants. If this is not a "scam" nothing is. Its actually far worse than a scam; its criminal - its VERY harmful in multiple ways. I have heard that this part of the DSM was recently changed, because it was so ridiculous and so obviously wrong, and because there are (thank God) still some wise people standing up against the DSM's false "mental illness" labeling, which enables mass distribution of psychiatric pharmaceuticals to healthy children and adults.
   Just the fact that sadness was even listed in the DSM, as a medicateable mental illness, says a lot about the intention of the DSM and the invalidity of at least some of the things listed in it. There truly has been dishonest scams that have enabled the mass distribution of psychiatric pharmaceuticals to healthy children and adults and false "mental illness" labeling is one of them. In fact this problem has gotten so ridiculously huge that it now is even including common physical pains and other physical illnesses as signs of "mental illness" - masses of MD doctors have also been prescribing psychiatric pharmaceuticals for common physical pains and illnesses, which are now claimed to be caused by "anxiety" or other "mental" problems.
   The distribution of these brain numbing and feeling blocking pharmaceuticals is so huge that our public and bottled drinking water supplies have been largely contaminated with them, "from run off," according to 2008 main stream media reports and the EPA. So masses of people, who are not even given prescriptions, are also getting drugged.

Mass distribution, of psychiatric pharmaceuticals, to healthy children and adults, is a HUGE problem that should NOT be ignored or blindly disbelieved, for the sake of public health and safety, especially since those types of pharmaceuticals block people's hearts and instincts and can make people become either hateful or like numb sheep who have no common sense and no compassion and no critical thinking skills...etc. Look around you - these effects are VERY obvious in our world, especially in the parts of the media where people are being used like foolish puppets, in order to promote the pharmaceuticals and harass anyone who says anything against the pharmaceutical distributions or about the harm they are causing...etc.

In the field of psychiatry, the natural healing process is what should be promoted, instead of the stigmatizing "mental illness" labels and brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals, except for possibly in rare and extreme cases. I wrote a book about this. Its called "Embracing Feelings and Healing," and it was inspired by the mass distribution of false "mental illness" labels and often debilitating psychiatric pharmaceuticals, to healthy children in the facility I worked in a few decades ago.

I wonder if the mandatory children's vaccines (or other vaccines) contain some of the same brain and feeling numbing chemicals as psychiatric pharmaceuticals do. They should be tested for it.

Marianne Williamson is harassed for talking about the "scam" of false mental illness labeling;

P.S. The semantics crap, by the way, is part of the evil discord. When someone raises an important issue or exposes part of the real problems, their wording has often been picked apart, in order to distract from the real issue and in order to make what is good and right seem bad and wrong...etc. And that evil force, which appears to have most of humanity drugged into being extremely manipulatable, also has masses of people thinking that being "anti-vaccine" or being a "conspiracy theorist" is bad and wrong, when it truly isn't. People have a right to feel uncomfortable with man made vaccines and to choose more healthy natural ways of combatting illnesses. And many real crimes have been stopped after someone's theory/suspicion was expressed, because this is what leads to investigations to find the truth. It is NOT bad to suspect that something bad is happening behind the scenes, because its through this that the bad can be found and stopped....and this is why even just suspecting has been made wrong by the bad who do not want to be stopped. Its just so sad that they use so many people as puppets in this process. And its not bad to stand up for what we believe in, even if we do end up being wrong about some things. If nobody ever stood up and said anything, none of the bad would ever be realized or stopped...and this is why they try to make it wrong to say anything about the bad things that really are happening to people.
When I look at how much of the world has been reduced to the puppet/sheep status, I feel scared for all of humanity. Its no wonder why I am now groping for hope in politicians whom I can only pray are not puppets and will not become puppets, because sometimes it is hard to know who is and who isn't. If only humanity were free.

P.S.S. Here is the old web page I wrote on the psychiatry scam; It appears to have been accessed in the past few years; all the dates on my webpages were changed to a recent year, which indicates that someone changed the pages. I have been feeling too overwhelmed to go through it all again. In fact, this is what I was about to do just before the last round of microwave torture began. I'm just not up to it yet. Hopefully they only changed the pages for their usual plagiarizing crap and have not actually changed the content again.

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