Wednesday, August 16, 2023

An Innocent Forbidden Act

For those who may want to judge me or my parents, due to me stating in my last two blog posts, that we had a Ribes plant in the 1960s; I am sure that my parents did not plant it there. It was on our almost 300 year old farm and was not in the gardens. I had actually, just by chance, found it. It was very obviously growing wild in and around a stone wall under other plants. I noticed the pretty little red berries, after the frost had killed the leaves around it. I asked my father about it and he looked at it and told me they were edible. I remember sitting there on the stone wall, with my father, eating the berries.
   Judging by the pictures I've seen, it was a Ribes Triste. Reports say that the berry is very sour or bitter, but this was not the case with these. Perhaps the Ribes triste berry needs to experience a frost or two before becoming sweeter. I loved the berries. I actually deeply feel a special connection to these little Ribes plants. Intuitively, I feel that they are VERY important parts of our history, which needs to be restored. Please read the previous two articles on them.

The Forbidden Ribes Triste
copyright 8-16-2023 Sharon R. Poet

It felt special even before it was forbidden -
Those little red berries partially hidden.
Its a special memory in the few I've had.
It was a moment of pleasure with my Dad.

P.S. If my parents were growing them, I'd say so. But they weren't. I wish they had been. I loved those pretty little red berries and would have gladly eaten more of them.

More on Our Native Currants and Gooseberrys

I have been doing a bit more research, since my last post, and have found more information, including more of the accurate names of native currant and gooseberry varieties. This is based on the most professional reports I've found.
   It appears that in the early 1900s federal laws were passed, in order to ban all Ribes bushes in America, due to concern of them being a carrier for the blister rust disease, which was destroying certain types of white pines. In the following years, all currant and gooseberry bushes were being destroyed.
   Several decades later, it was realized that the disease was hosted and spread primarily (or only) through the Ribes nigrum blackcurrant, which had been brought from Europe and widely planted. After the ban, the imported Ribes nigrum plants had been being modified in ways that were thought to be immune to the disease, but ended up being even more of a danger to the white pines.
   The disease itself is also reported to have been imported from Asia, with young pine plants. Its a bit confusing and not much info can be found through the web. But, regardless of how it all happened the damages done, to our native current and gooseberry populations, must now be repaired. Some steps have been taken in this direction, but much more is needed...
   In the 1960s the federal ban on all Ribes species was lifted and it was left up to the states to keep the bans or not. Maine's ban appears to now be primarily against only the imported Ribes nigrum and new cultivars that came from it, which is very understandable. Vermont has no ban on any Ribes plants at all. A 2017 report from the USDA stated that the current ban in New Hampshire is only on "cr-type Ribes plants," which is the European Ribes nigrum blackcurrants and new varieties that have been created from its genes, which is understandable. I do not know about the laws in other states.
   According to a 2010 USDA report; our own native black currant - Ribes americanum, has now been found to be a very "low risk" for hosting the blister rust disease. It turns out that our own native Ribes took a huge and unfair beating, back when "all Ribes" were being blamed and destroyed. Poor things!
   I am sure that the mistakes made were partly due to people believing inaccurate information and people not realizing how important these types of natural food sources were to us and other animals. Sometimes we make mistakes, but we can learn from them, and in this situation, it appears that the damage done to our native Ribes population can be repaired fairly quickly, because native Ribes are a hardy and fast growing species that can be easily propagated from both the berry seeds and branch cuttings. The trick is to make sure that we are re-planting only our own real native ones and not any of the others.

Today, several of the Northeastern states have some of our native Ribes plants listed as endangered species, which need to be protected and restored. It was through these reports that I finally found some of the authentic names of the truly native American varieties, many of which are also native to Canada. It appears that there had been no ban in Canada and so they surely have more of these than we now do. Perhaps they will help us restore our own.

List of endangered native Ribes plants in Connecticut

Ribes glandulosum; Skunk currant
Ribes lacustre; Swamp black currant
Ribes rotundifolium; Wild currant
Ribes triste: Swamp red currant (The one I munched on when I was a little munchkin. :-)

List of endangered native Ribes plants in Massachusetts;

Ribes lacustre; Bristly Black Currant

List of endangered native Ribes plants in Maryland;

Ribes americanum; Wild Black Currant
Ribes cynosbati; Prickly Gooseberry
Ribes glandulosum; Skunk Currant

List of endangered native Ribes plants in Pennsylvania

Ribes missouriense; Missouri Gooseberry

List of endangered native Ribes plants in Delaware

Ribes americanum; wild black gooseberry
Ribes hirtellum; Northern gooseberry

I did not check every state, so there is probably a lot more. And I have not been able to find a listing of all of the Ribes plants that are truly native to North America. Its was not only a forbidden fruit, but was also forgotten by much of humanity here in the USA. And there is not much available information on it. I still suspect that this was part of the covert targeting of the USA, like I said in my previous post. (I also suspect that the destruction of most of our Black Walnut trees also was.) But, regardless, we can and should bring back our native current and gooseberry bushes, because they were, and still are, a valuable natural food that is need for our health and wellbeing, as well as that of the bear, deer and moose and birds...etc.

I think that one of the lessons we should all learn from this situation is that new manmade varieties of our native foods are not as good as the natural wild ones. New ones may produce more fruit...etc., but at what cost? If it were up to me, only the wild and native varieties would be grown, even commercially, because they are the only ones that have the perfect balance of nutrients that our bodies need. If I still owned my property I'd be planting native varieties of both currants and gooseberrys as well as other healthy native food producing trees and shrubs and plants. And I'd be eating the gifts they produce for me. What would you do if you could?

FYI; Raw native currants and gooseberrys are extremely nutritious. They are known to be a literal superfood, which can prevent viruses and heart problems and kidney problems and cancer and arthritis and urinary tract problems and many other illnesses, due to their very high content of vitamins C and A and K and potassium and phosphorus and calcium and antioxidants and iron...etc. And they remove toxins from the body. Surely people were a lot more healthy back when the native ones were a regular part of our diet. We need them back. We really do.

P.S. In bing searches on the web, the dangerous Ribes Nigrum is the one that comes up in searches for native currents in the USA. This is happening with many sites, as well as wikipedia. I found much more accurate info through google searches.

Monday, August 14, 2023

Ode to the Wild Currents of the USA

Wild currents, which are native to Northern North America, have an interesting history...

   In my childhood I ate and loved a little red berry that grew around a stone wall on the farm I grew up on. We had not planted it and it appeared to be a wild plant. A couple years ago I tried finding out what it was, but ran into wall after wall. However, it felt important to me, so I persisted. And I finally found out what they were! They were red currents, most likely a wild variety. I've had a really hard time finding information about the real wild currents on the web, because it was literally a forbidden fruit that has now been mostly forgotten and has been being replaced with genetically modified varieties, which is mostly what is on the web.
   However, I learned that the wild currents and gooseberries, of North America, were very abundant and very commonly eaten raw and used in jams...etc., prior to 1911 when they were banned in the USA and uncountable millions of them were destroyed. Exactly why they were banned has raised suspicions and I have some of my own...

An interesting chain of facts;

It was around 1900 when there began a very strong push to prevent people from using plants for medicine, in order to transition humanity into buying man made pharmaceuticals instead. AND the wild currents are extremely medicinal, possibly far more so than most wild plants in Northern America; they are known to be really good for curing and preventing viruses and heart problems and many other illnesses, due to their very high content of vitamins C and K and iron...etc. Coincidence?
    It was also around 1900 when Nicola Tesla and others learned that certain pharmaceuticals, used in conjunction with radio waves, could interfere with various natural functions of the human mind. This was the birth of pharmaceutical and radio wave (microwave) mind control. AND eating wild currents is known to remove toxins from the body, which could render at least some pharmaceuticals either less effective or not effective at all. Coincidence?
    The logging industry was reported to have been the ones who pushed for the ban on wild currents and wild gooseberries in the USA; they claimed that they carried the white pine blister rust disease that was destroying the White Pines and that their existence was going to be too devastating to the logging industry. But was that the truth? And if not, who inspired or manipulated them into doing that? Was it the pharmaceutical industry? The USA Government wisely lifted the federal ban on wild currents in the 1960s, after realizing that the risk was too minimal to warrant the extinction of a valuable plant. The USDA now says that "the American black currant is considered a low risk for serving as a host for the white pine blister rust." So things are now heading in the right direction. But what about the wild red current and gooseberries? And what about the state laws; growing wild currents and gooseberries is still illegal in some states. When are we going to get this important part of our real and needed food and medicine back?

The wild current is one of our many abused and mostly forgotten treasures, and it surely is one of the most important ones for us to rescue and use.

Sadly, uncountable millions of wild current and gooseberry bushes were destroyed in America and growing them is still illegal in some states. Of all the wild and abundant plant foods, that human beings need for the sake of retaining good health, wild currents are surely one of the most important ones, if not the most important one in Northern America and Canada. These valuable plants were not only needed for human health and wellbeing, but also for that of bears and deer and moose and birds...etc. Since the ban, new species of currents have been being created and some are even thought to be the "wild currents" in some places on the web. But they aren't and we need the real thing, not a manmade imitation with less nutrients...etc.

According to what I have found thus far; Ribes Americanum appears to be a real wild current that is native to the northern USA and Canada. It is also known as the "wild black current" and "American Black Currant" and "Eastern Black Current." Ribes Triste also appears to be a real wild one that is native to Northern America and is also called the "Swamp Red Current" and "Northern Red Current" and "Bitter Current." But I am not fully trusting this information, because there was so little on the web and its obviously a plant species that has been forgotten by most people. I want to be sure that I have the proper names of the real unaltered wild ones. So, I need to do more research. Please also do your own research and help bring the real wild currents and gooseberries back onto our lands and back into our bodies for the sake of our health and that of our wildlife. Propagation of wild currents is actually very easy - they can be planted with seeds in the berries or through rooting little branch cuttings. With just a little human help, one existing wild current plant could quickly produce thousands of new ones, which can mature and produce fruit within just three years. There is hope.
So, it appears that those pretty little red berries, which I ate and loved as a child, were (and still are) forbidden fruit. But they shouldn't be. I still feel like I need to eat them and I should be allowed to. I hear that, although wild currents were mostly destroyed in the Northeastern USA, they are still growing wild in Michigan and are considered an invasive weed there. (Hopefully it is the truly wild variety.) But I can't go there right now. Perhaps other people will help bring them back to the Northeastern USA and other places where they were mostly destroyed, if they are the real wild ones. Perhaps you could be one of these people, if you want to be.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Know it and Grow it

Part of my 1990s dream of building recovery/healing centers, with the profits from my publications...etc., was to make those properties completely self sufficient with a type of organic farming that grew only unmodified/natural edible trees and plants that are mostly native to the location of the land. My medicinal "sacred garden" part of my dream was very important to me, because it was about healing on every level - I was going to do them in my own unique way. And then I was going to turn the gardens into public parks so that they could be preserved for the communities around them to freely use forever.
   The targeting has obviously prevented any part of my dream from even having a chance to happen, thus far. And this has been and still is a great source of pain for me, especially since I have been hurt so much, in the past two decades, that I now need my own recovery centers as much as (if not more than) the people I had wanted to build them for. But they do not exist yet. And every part of my dream seems impossible, at this point. But I still fantasize about it and I find moments of joy in seeing what other people are doing with organic gardening...etc.
   Yesterday I distracted myself from the hell, which surrounded yet another email infiltration, by watching more youtube videos. I've been learning a lot from people who are doing their own versions of natural organic gardening. I'm glad to see this practice growing in our world, even though it is without my participation. It even appears that many people are restoring farm lands that had been harmed by chemicals and other destructive modern farming practices.

Many people are now also returning to seed saving, from their own natural organic gardens, in order to be self sufficient and supply their families or communities with healthy food. This shift back into 100% natural and organic food production, within our own neighborhoods, truly is what is best for humanity and the Earth and the atmosphere. Its actually the only healthy way. Its a shame that it has taken so long for this needed shift to start taking place on a larger scale. But it finally is happening and it will hopefully rapidly pick up its pace until its all we have - imagine no more pharmaceuticals or chemical fertilizers or pesticides or genetic modifications contaminating or hurting our food and our bodies...and no large industrial companies controlling it or making money off of what need to have, in order to survive. It actually helps me to see that there are truly good things happening in our world. Parts of it are truly heading in a positive direction and even seem free to do so. Its actually wonderful to see this contrast to what I've been experiencing in my life.
   Below are two interesting videos about regenerative farming. I really enjoyed watching the first one, because the owner of that farm portrayed an energy, and a state of mind, that has been far too rare in our world. He truly was a joy to listen to. He was like a breath of fresh air in the hell that was surrounding me. I hope these videos inspire people to do their own organic or regenerative gardening or farming, even if it is just one or two trees in small yards... If you want a flowering shrub or a shade tree, why not plant natural native ones that also produce healthy edible nuts or fruits? The day may come when it's food is needed. Actually, its already here, its just that more people need to know it and grow it. Please help spread the word...

Left BBC's Planet Earth to start dream family homestead (full tour)

Homestead Paradise: got barren land, boosted it at a profit

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Facing Our Core Problem

(Revised 8-9-2023)

Have you noticed the sad state of our world; the growing discord and confusion, the masses of people who behave like numb sheep, the many lost people who seem unable to use their own common sense and hearts, and the resulting elevated levels of hate and discord and violence? It is clear that something is very wrong and that we must realize what it is, so that we can set things right...

The Core Problem

Most people are aware that radio waves can be shot down from space for internet and phone use. But they can also be shot down for other purposes. The other purposes have not been advertised, but they are many. Radio waves, which are tuned to the same frequency as the human brain, can remotely influence people. And this process is more effective on people who have sustained a certain type of brain damage and people who are ingesting certain types of pharmaceuticals; brain and feeling numbing psychiatric pharmaceuticals have been prescribed to HUGE masses of people through the field of general medicine as well as through the field of psychiatry. And other people are ingesting them through the "traces" of them that have been being found in public and bottled drinking water, and possibly also through other pharmaceuticals or vaccines. (I suspect that filters have been built into radio wave detection and blocking technologies, which makes them bypass the very low frequencies that are used for mind control. Please pass this info onto officials.)

Please don't cast this out as a "conspiracy theory." Even just the slightest chance of this really happening should instigate massive investigations. I am sure that it is indeed happening, on a large scale, since at least the 1950s. And it appears that the remote influencing can happen to whole communities as well as individuals. Even just the pharmaceutical part of this problem is a holocaustal situation, because it blocks people’s hearts and instincts and turns people into numb sheep who are more brainwashable and less caring...etc.
   In the early 1960s, President John F. Kennedy stood up to expose hints of this problem in a speech to the press. He said, "there is no escaping either the gravity or the totality of its challenge to our survival and to our security - a challenge that confronts us in unaccustomed ways in every sphere of human activity.... This is a time of peace and peril, which knows no precedent in history... we look for strength and assistance, confident that with YOUR help, man will be what he was born to be - free and independent." (If only he had fully explained what was happening, and how it was happening, before he was killed.)
   As we realize the reality of this we must be careful to not misplace blame so that the discord is kept to a minimum. People tend to think that "its the government" but government officials are victims of it too. It appears that even our White House has not been safe from the mind control intrusions. I see evidence of this in the unusual behaviors of many officials. There are now masses of mind control victims in humanity, ranging from mild to severe. It may even be accurate to say that most of humanity is already enslaved to some degree. And blaming victims is not going to help this situation. Those who are responsible seem to be some sort of satanic occult, which has been enslaving and using people while they hide behind the scenes. Some evidence points toward this being a covert continuation of the holocaust Hitler was involved in. They seem to want complete control of humanity and have heavily targeted America in many ways. 

Criminal use of brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals and radio wave technologies truly is the most dangerous thing humanity will ever have to face and stop, and this MUST be faced and completely stopped as quickly as possible.

Please give this the benefit of your understandable doubt.

Be objective. Be brave. Be peaceful. Be understanding and kind.


 Please print and share this paper - please help set humanity free.

My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine

When it comes to conflict, its important to be wise enough to look at both sides, before passing judgement. Most of us do this; we ask ...