Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Ways of Evil

I had recognized Israel’s evil tactics because I had experienced them inside my own family. My sisters are my Israel. I had experienced them hating me and attacking me and depriving me and then blaming me for what they did and projecting their own hateful and evil and greedy behaviors onto me. I had experienced them fabricating things in order to manipulate other people against me. I had experienced them pretending to be the “Loving” ones while doing the complete opposite…etc.
   In the past couple years I have fully stood up to expose their behaviors for the first time in my life. But in all fairness, I must add that they are not the only ones who are responsible for the massive hurts they have inflicted upon our whole family, especially my father and I. They had help…

I fully believe that pharmaceutical and technological (radio wave) mind control was used to enable my sister’s greedy and evil targeting of my father and I, and that it is also why Israel has had so much support to continue its manipulative, violent thieving occupation in Palestine

Freedom and Peace, must take place
for the sake of all of humanity.

P.S. I feel bad that I mucked up this blog with the family feud stuff, but I feel that I have had to fully stand up with the truth, because my sisters fabricate things and I believe they would be doing far worse if I were not standing up.

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