Saturday, June 26, 2021

"Remove the Chains of Darkness and [Set Me Free]..."

  The following song was my favorite when I was fifteen years old and going through a tough time. But most of it fits my current situation far more than it had fit that one. When I now sing this song I change the part that says, "Remove the chains of darkness and help me see" to "Remove the chains of darkness and SET ME FREE. PLEASE SET ME FREE..."
   I have stood alone and have been being beaten up by the targeting for too long. Last night I had a dream that showed people who used to know me not realizing important parts of the targeting. I hope they realize soon. The parts of the targeting that people do not seem to realize are the technological parts - the radio wave (ELF) parts that can effect body functions and can inflict painful tortures and can effect brain function in various ways, including performing complete mind control on unsuspecting victims in targeted families...etc.
   In my situation, it appears that various groups have targeted me for various reasons and its been extremely difficult to get a handle on it. Its covert ways, and its use of so many unaware people, make it hard to realize who is really behind it. But the core of all of it is, no doubt, evil and I often feel desperate for freedom from it all. 

My heart dedicates this song to all other torture victims. I'm sure most of them, especially the long term ones, can relate to this song. I also dedicate it to all officials who are aware of the targeting and anyone else who could peacefully help bring the hell to an end for us all and ultimately for all of humanity. 

Help Me - by Kris Kristofferson

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Maple Leaf Pesto

I made pesto out of maple leaves today. It was a bit bitter, but adding lemon mellowed it out and it was really very good. I love pesto.

Monday, June 7, 2021

They ARE Edible and Can Help Prevent Illness!

I'm excited to have recently learned that RHODODENDRON  BLOSSOMS ARE EDIBLE I wish I'd known this back when I owned a property that had an abundance of them. I think my body needed them. I was also excited to find out that GRASS IS EDIBLE and that MAPLE LEAVES ARE EDIBLE. The wild ones, which have not been altered by man, are the best ones, but they are all edible and so are many other common plants. We have abundances of free food that is also the best natural medicines, which can prevent illnesses. 

Long ago, I was told that grass was poisonous and that only animals like horses can eat it without being hurt by it. But this was not true. Its only not good for us when it has been treated with things like chemical fertilizers and insecticides. Otherwise its wise to eat it and I hear its easiest to digest when pureed in a smoothie.

I've been yearning, for a long time now, to go more completely natural with my diet and any medicines I may need. In the 1980s I switched from pharmaceuticals to herbal remedies as much as possible. I'd purchased many different herb books, but none of them said anything about things like grass and rhododendrons and pine needles and maple leaves and most other common wild plants being edible and good free food for preventing and curing illnesses. Now, I feel I must switch from commercially prepared herbal remedies to using only real natural wild plants that I grow and/or pick myself, for the sake of my health. I can't do much right now, due to my homeless situation, but I'm dreaming about getting onto my own feet and having a free and healthy future. 
   Among the books I'd like to buy and read are the ones listed below. I'm not actually trying to promote these books or authors, because I do not know them yet, but I want people to know that there is a lot of valuable information on this subject, which we'd be wise to look up and utilize. I'm sure there are many other books too. I've ordered these at a library. Perhaps I'll post more about them after I've read them.

Wild Edibles by Sergei Boutenko

Edible Wild Plants by John Kallas phd.

Nature's Garden: A Guide to Identifying, Harvesting, and Preparing Edible Wild Plants by Samuel Thayer

Thursday, June 3, 2021

No Forced Vaccines Please!

I hope the covid vaccines are not forced upon anyone in any way. We should all be free to make our own choices. I do not want the vaccines and I should NOT have to have one, in order to freely live my life. I believe in using plants for medicine. I have always avoided pharmaceuticals as much as possible. And I feel that the pharmaceuticals/vaccines should never be forced upon anyone, no matter what, especially not in order to be able to work or travel, because it is just too wrong. We should NEVER be forced to put unnatural chemicals into our bodies. I feel that the best remedy is being as healthy as possible and eat more healthy old fashioned plant foods...etc. The healthier we are the more our bodies naturally resist illnesses. The remedy is good foods for good health.

My feelings on health are well expressed in my new second edition of Wisdom’s Beacon for Freedom. Please do read and share it.

P.S. I hope people who refuse the vaccines do not get targeted in any way. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Before it Squeaked

People used to say that, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease," but this has never felt right to me, because it shouldn't have to squeak, in order to get grease. 

If the squeaky wheel
Had gotten the grease
Before it squeaked.
There'd be peace
And nothing
To appease.

I feel that technological and pharmaceutical mind control, and its destruction of the Heart of humanity, plays a HUGE role in the lack of care that has existed for the victims of all sorts of crimes. We must be free of it. And Love should be here for ALL of us.

A Bit of Validation for Torture Victims

updated on 8-24-2024 Microwave targeting is now also being called "Havana Syndrome" and "Anomalous Health Incidents" (AH...