Friday, August 27, 2021

Replacing Hate With Love

I've written a post like this before, because there is a desperate need (throughout humanity) for more compassion and an end to the vengeful wars that make things worse. but it may have gotten lost in my old blogs. So, here it is again...

   There are many things (in our world) that promote hate and vengeance, instead of healing and compassion. Hate and vengeance has been massively promoted through us suppressing our feelings of sadness instead of crying out and releasing the pain.  Suppressed emotional pain blocks our Hearts from feelings of compassion and Love and opens doors for vengeance and hate to take their place. The more pain we suppress the more blocked our hearts become. 
   Hate and vengeance has also been promoted through examples of our own vengeful actions, through heavy distribution of the pharmaceuticals that numb feelings and block our Hearts, through radio wave frequencies that interfere with our feelings and brain function, through religious portrayals of God being the vengeful being that He/She truly is not...etc.
   Seeking vengeance appears to have been becoming one of the "new norms" and this is evident in most of the discord in our world, as well as in many of the responses to it. But this is not normal or good. Its what the evil forces want - everyone hating and fighting each other, instead of healing and loving each other. It has never been OK or good to angrily strike back and it still isn't, no matter what the situation is. "Two wrongs have never made a right" and they still don't.
   Overall humanity is in really sad shape right now. BUT, although I still see signs of hate and vengeance growing, I have also seen the love and compassion that still exists in humanity and must be allowed to survive and grow. We need, and should have, far more people promoting kindness and compassion and healing.

My heart is loudly crying out to the evil forces who target and use humanity, to the God that is pure Love and Light and would not ever hurt anyone, and to every human being who can help in peaceful ways...

Oh, please!

Set our Hearts free,
And let us truly heal,
Until hate is replaced
With a Love that is real...
And remains that way forever.

Monday, August 16, 2021

We must have a free choice of what is done to our own bodies

We must have a free choice of what is done to our own bodies and 
these choices should be respected by our fellow human beings.

When I did my last blog post about covid vaccine mandates, I didn't know that the mandates were starting to happen here in the USA. Now that I've realized this I feel sickened by it and very concerned. It is shocking that this is happening. It is horribly wrong for any of us to be forced to put anything into our bodies that we do not feel safe or comfortable with. Our feelings should matter above all else. People who are scared of the possible side effects of the vaccine can be traumatized by it being forced into them! There should be compassion for people's feels and understanding for people's varied beliefs and respect for people's choices connected to what happens to their own bodies.

Many people believe they are safer with the vaccines. And MANY people feel far safer without the vaccines and want to use safe and natural plant based medicines. And we ALL have an obligation to respect each other's choices and be considerate of each other's feelings of safety.

Sadly, most of the current USA government bans on mandated/forced vaccination only apply to government places and allow all private places to force people to be vaccinated. New Hampshire's new HB 220 bill states that the NH government will not mandate vaccines ONLY in most public places and it allows the vaccine mandate to happen through all medical facilities, all physicians, all schools, all day care centers, all nursing homes, all prisons and the commissioner. In the current law all of these places can force the vaccine into people's bodies against their will. It is good that our governments realize how wrong it is to force people to be vaccinated. However, we need them to also stop other people from forcing us to be vaccinated, because they are the only ones who can do so.   
All it would take to eventually get every human being vaccinated is for schools and hospitals to be allowed to do it. This would be absolutely devastating if this vaccine ends up having any sort of ill effects including the brain and feeling and spirituality numbing/damaging types of effects that many of the other pharmaceuticals, which have been heavily pushed upon humanity, have had since the early 1900s.

But there is hope; thus far, (according to reports I read) there are a few states where the governments are passing laws to also prevent private businesses and organizations, including schools and hospitals, from forcing people to be vaccinated.   
   Montana's new law states that BOTH government places AND private businesses who ask for proof of being vaccinated are discriminating against people who choose to not be vaccinated and they offer resources for the reporting of such unlawful discrimination. This is the best one I found. I'm proud of Montana. I wish I lived there right now.   
   The Texas government has completely banned vaccine passports from being used in their state and has passed laws that can cause private businesses to lose their licenses if they require proof of vaccines. However, some college students took their university to court and the court ruled in favor of the school forcing the students to be vaccinated. The court related the covid vaccine to the polio vaccine that was imposed in the early 1900s. This is sad because, according the court the polio vaccine being forced upon people set a president to follow. But it was wrong to force vaccines into people back then too and two wrongs don't make a right. They never did and never will.   
Arkansas legislators are in the process of trying to ban all employers from requiring employees to disclose vaccine status. I do not know if they are allowing schools and hospitals to vaccinate people against their will, though.   
   Another ray of hope, according to another news article I found, is in the USA Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) ruling that businesses are responsible for adverse reactions to the covid vaccines, if they require their employees to be vaccinated, and that they must record the adverse effects in their safety reports. This will prevent businesses from openly requiring the vaccines, but it probably will not stop many from inconspicuously discriminating or pressuring people to be vaccinated.

Hopefully there will be more rays of hope VERY soon. We must have laws quickly passed that prevent ALL people and organizations (both government and private) from forcing the vaccines (or anything else) into our bodies against our will. Many people do not feel safe or comfortable with the vaccines and should not be traumatized through being given them by force. People should NEVER be forced to consume anything, especially not man made chemicals/pharmaceuticals/vaccines, against their will, because most have already been proven to have harmful side effects. And many others (like the covid vaccines) may have harmful side effects that are not known by anyone and may never be known by anyone. This is scientific fact.

I beg ALL local, state, federal and global governments to please pass laws that STOP EVERY PERSON, BUSINESS AND ORGANIZATION, BOTH INSIDE AND OUTSIDE THE GOVERNEMNT, FROM FORCING VACINATIONS UPON PEOPLE WHO DO NOT WANT THEM AND WHO FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE AND UNSAFE WITH THEM. You are the only ones who can stop it from happening in other places too. Please do. Please don't let other people force this vaccine upon us.

I understand that this covid pandemic has been difficult for officials to deal with and that how to deal with it is something that has been being learned as the situation progressed. But a LOT of time has passed and a lot has been learned and I am now looking for a more functional and professional handling of it - I am looking for consideration for EVERYONE. Sometimes I wish I were a high ranking official. I probably would not have been able to do better than most officials in the start of this mess. I'm sure I would have had to learn from making mistakes too. But at this point, if I were a high ranking official, I would stand up and do and say something like this... 

"I want to do what is considerate of EVERYONE. I understand that there are many different beliefs and suspicions about covid and what it really may or may not be. I understand that many people trust the covid vaccines and feel safer with them. And I understand that many people do not trust the vaccines and do not feel safe having them. There are valid concerns for personal safety on BOTH sides of this situation. And I see only one way to handle it, that is fair to, and considerate of, EVERYONE. 
    Regardless of what the absolute truths are about covid and the vaccines, the most important thing right now is EVERYONES concerns for safety to receive all the consideration and compassion they should have. In general some people feel safe using modern medicine - pharmaceuticals and vaccines, and (in the past several decades) quickly growing numbers of people have been (and still are) feeling safer using only things like natural plants for medicine, instead of vaccines and other pharmaceuticals. Neither of these methods should be forced upon anyone against their will. Everyone should have a free choice about what is put into their own bodies. And these choices should be respected by fellow human beings.   
    For those of you who believe in the vaccines, and/or are extremely fearful about catching covid; there are many things that you can choose to do to protect yourself. You can refrain from going out in public or go out as little as possible until things get better. When you do go out you can wear a high quality medical mask and distance yourself from people as much as possible. You can choose to be vaccinated if you feel that the vaccines are safe and want to have one. If you do not feel comfortable with the vaccine you can use natural plant medicines that can help prevent and cure such things. And you can improve upon your diet and become as healthy as possible, because this will aid your body's ability to fight off illness.   
   Those of you who have been convinced that you are not safe until everyone else is vaccinated must look at ALL OF THE SCIENTIFIC FACTS and gain more consideration for others; the covid vaccines have not been approved for safety and even if they were approved, there is still just cause for concern due to the history of MANY other pharmaceuticals that had been declared safe but were later proven not to be. And even with substances that are 100% sure to be COMPLETELY safe, people would still have the right to choose to not put them into their bodies, no matter what their reason is. What happens to, and is put into or onto, our bodies is our choice and we ALL have this same freedom. Please understand that you have absolutely no right to be imposing restrictions and hardships upon everyone else just because of your own fears or your own beliefs or your own lack of faith or your own trust in the vaccines or whatever other issues some of you have had against people who do not want to be vaccinated or masked. You have the right to make your own choices for yourselves, but you do not have the right to make choices for anyone else. Not everyone has the same beliefs and fears that you do. And many people are understandably very afraid of the possible harmful side effects of the vaccines and do not want to risk putting them into their bodies. Their fears/feelings matter too. Please be kind and considerate and respectful of their feelings and their choices and their concerns for their own safety and their rights to freely carry on with their lives.   
   We will do all that we can to make sure that the safest masks and safest vaccines and a variety of natural alternatives to the vaccines are available and affordable for everyone who wants them. I hope this helps to alleviate your concerns.
   As for those of you who are either not afraid of catching covid and/or do not feel comfortable or safe with being vaccinated; you can help protect yourselves through natural methods, like with a healthy diet and the consumption of plants that are known to help prevent and cure viral and bacterial infections. You will not be forced to wear masks or be vaccinated. We have passed all the necessary laws to protect your right to not be vaccinated and to not have anything else put into or onto your own personal bodies, which you do not want or do not feel comfortable or safe with. This includes not only the covid vaccines, but also any other substance. Absolutely NOBODY can legally force anything into or onto your body, because our laws apply in every sphere of human activity, both inside and outside the government, including in all hospitals and schools and all other private or government businesses. (The only exception of course is the previously usual mask wearing requirements inside certain parts of things like medical facilities.) I want to assure you that it is now against the law for ANYONE to do anything to your body that you have not FREELY chosen, no matter what the circumstance is. The covid passports are now banned from being used or asked for EVERYWHERE as well. And Non-discrimation laws have been passed so that you can not legally be refused any sort of service or job based on whether or not you have been vaccinated. We will also not tolerate ongoing efforts to coerce you into being vaccinated - not through any type of deprivation or the threat of deprivation and not through shaming or belittling or guilt tripping or terrorizing or any of the other types of coercions that have been happening or could happen. These coercions are also now against the laws. Your choices must be FREE CHOICES that are not made under duress. I hope this helps to alleviate your concerns. I hope all people will now respect your choice to not be vaccinated - I hope they will be considerate of your concerns for your own safety and understand that it is not right for you to be forced into anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.   
   Please have consideration and respect for people who have intense fears of covid - if you see someone wearing a mask out in public it is most likely one of these people, so please respectfully stay distant from them unless you ask and they give you permission to move in closer - be kind and considerate and respectful of their feelings and their concerns for their safety.
   For those who are genuinely and completely not at all capable of making choices for themselves, like severely disabled people and extremely young or immature children; It is my belief that some things should not be done to people who may not make that choice if they could choose. I urge parents and guardians to be very careful about what choices you make for your children and/or disabled people. Ask yourselves, if it is what they would want and if it is 100% sure to be COMPLETELY safe? Parents and guardians should not administer ANYTHING that has any chance of being unsafe, especially into children who are our precious future. We must not risk hurting them!
   EVERY one of us has a right to a free choice of what happens to our own bodies and for that choice to be respected by our fellow human beings. This applies to the covid vaccines as well as all other vaccines and substances that had been mandated in the past, and all that presently exist or may be offered in the future. What happens to my body is my choice and what happens to your body is your choice and ALL of our choices must be free and not forced, because this is the only ethical and just and right and humane way.   
   I will do my best to honestly inform you of the truths about covid and the vaccines and also of the natural plant based alternatives to the vaccines so that your choices are an educated one as well as a free one. But ultimately you must all follow your own instincts and do what feels best for you, because we do not always know everything and the field of medicine doesn't either. You should ALL be taking responsibility for your own health. 
What goes into your body is your choice and I hope you choose wisely - I hope you choose only what FEELS right for you, no matter what anyone else says or prefers."

   I feel that this is the only fair and functional way, to handle this situation because it has consideration for EVERYONE. I hope this sets an example that others will follow. EVERYONE is free to go where they need to go and do what they want to do with their own bodies and lives. Those who are extremely scared of covid can choose to isolate themselves - distance themselves, wear masks and take either natural plant or pharmaceutical/chemical/vaccine types of medications...etc. And those who are not as scared of covid, or who feel unsafe with being vaccinated are not being restricted, deprived or degraded or forced to do anything that they do not feel comfortable or safe with. Nothing is being forced upon anyone. Its a win/win situation that has respect for EVERYONE'S freedoms and feelings and choices.        But, sadly, my ideal of what should happen has not been happening and far too much of the opposite has been happening. Masses of people have been being forced into being vaccinated through being shamed and belittled and guilt tripped and deprived or through the threat of deprivation of employment, education, social gatherings, freedoms...etc. And this horrid situation should be immediately stopped.


There should be compassion and consideration for people who do not feel comfortable or safe with being vaccinated. Please help bring more kindness and consideration for EVERYONE, into this vaccine mandate debate, which would not even exist if these things were present.

Even in genuinely extremely dangerous situations people should be free to make their own choices, especially with things that involve their own bodies and their own lives and the intimate comforting of their own loved ones who are suffering...etc. Risking getting ill should always be a personal choice. Some people let their faith in a Higher Power and/or thier belief in "fate" carry them through tough times like this.

I hope that VERY soon; our global, federal and state laws will protect EVERYONES rights to choose what is put into their own bodies. I beg all governments, around the globe, to quickly take ALL the needed steps to pass laws, which protect and/or regain EVERY citizen's rights to make our own choices about what happens to our own bodies, because no human being's body should EVER be forcefully inflicted with ANYTHING that person does not feel safe or comfortable with or which that person does not FREELY chose for themselves. This applies to the covid vaccines as well as all other past and future vaccines and substances.

P.S. Some perceive the fight for or against the vaccine as a political war. Although parts of it obviously are, there is a whole other non-political category of people (like me and many others) who do not want the vaccine due to previously choosing natural medicines over pharmaceuticals and due to feeling that many of the vaccines and pharmaceuticals can indeed have unhealthy side effects and are not safe. Its not about politics and is about our feelings of safety; our rights to our own choices about what is done to our own bodies and our rights to not be forced to do things that we do not feel safe or comfortable doing or that would deprive us of peaceful enjoyment of our own lives...etc. And the only politics we want in this situation is for our governments to perform their duties to retain and restore our right to the freedom to make our own choices about what is or is not done to our own bodies. Our personal rights and freedoms are more of an issue here than anything else is and we need your help to retained and/or restore them. Please help us. We matter too.

Heart, Faith and Instincts Instead of "Science" in the Covid Situation

I feel that following our own hearts/faith/instincts is the best way to handle covid and all the other difficulties we are faced with. I do not have faith in the "science" of this covid situation, because the covid vaccines have not been approved for safety and even if they are, there is still just cause for concern due to the history of MANY other pharmaceuticals that had been declared safe but were later proven not to be.  "Science" has sometimes failed us, especially in the arena of man made medicines/pharmaceuticals.

How can it not be a crime?

How can it not be a crime to inject possibly harmful chemicals into a person's body, against that person's will... when it is justly a crime of assault to merely touch the surface of a person's arm against that person's will?????

It was realized long ago, that what happens to a person's body is only that person's choice and that no other person has a right to violate a person's body in any way at all. Consequently even just one split second of an unwanted touch is a prosecutable crime of assault, because it is an intrusive violation of a person's body. How can it not be a crime to inject possibly harmful chemicals into a person who does not want it to be done?

Justly so, contracts are rendered null and void when people sign them under duress, because it is wrong to pressure or coerce or threaten people into things and they are not doing them out of their own free will under such conditions. The same should be true for vaccines - people should not be given vaccines when they have been pressured, threatened or coerced or forced in any other way into have them. Due to the masses of blatant publicly coercions, everyone is under that duress at this point. Due to the pharmaceutical and technological mind control most people are not even free to make a wise and safe choice for themselves.

Vaccine Mandates Could Create A VERY Dangerous Situation for Victims of Covert Targeting


   Foods, that are handled by store employees and delivered to people who are banned from the grocery stores, creates a VERY serious and life threatening problem for targeted people. If our government does not stop private businesses from forcing the vaccine upon us and the grocery stores close their doors to those of us who choose freedom from the vaccines, we are in SERIOUS danger of life threatening harm through food contamination.
    The food contamination problem already exists, for heavily targeted people, on a massive scale in the large chain grocery stores, because many (if not most or all) of their employees are part of the covert targeting program. Our only hope to bypass more severe levels of food contamination, is to be able to continue going into stores and choosing our own products and avoiding getting the same ones frequently...etc. Needless to say the food contamination is a serious crime that should be fully exposed and stopped and absolutely should not be allowed to become completely unavoidable through vaccine mandates in grocery stores.
    Our lives have been in danger, even before this covid hell started, and we must at least be able to retain the right to the partial safety that picking out our own food and not allowing anyone else private access to it, provides for us. Without this we can not survive. We should have freedom from ALL that has been being forced into our bodies against our will, including the microwave energy and parasites and drugs that have been ongoing parts of the torturous covert targeting.
    The threats of the vaccines being added to, and possibly enabling even more of the violations and crimes against us, are making our situations far worse than they were and many of our situations had already been too nearly unbearable.

ALL of the violations, that prevent us from freely living and enjoying our own lives, should be stopped and they sure should not be added to.

P.S. There is also the danger of different vaccines being given to targeted people - vaccines that are known to be harmful. And there is a danger of those of us who refuse the vaccines being targeted with the types of microwave weapon attacks that mimic covid. Hospitals are also heavily used in the covert targeting and are not safe places for targeted people.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

For the Sake of Our Health

   By the 1980s there was a strong movement, toward the improvement of health, through reverting back to using natural plants for medicine, instead of man made pharmaceuticals. This movement is still thriving and growing, although there have been attempts to sabotage it, because using plants for medicine really is the safe and healthy way to go and people could feel this truth. Most people now know that (in general) using plants for medicine is healthier than pharmaceuticals, but many have still been being pushed into the opposite direction - thinking that "the doctor knows best," and most of the doctors have continued to prescribe only the pharmaceuticals. But the truth of the health benefits of using plants, instead of pharmaceuticals, can not be denied and even a growing number of doctors have been adding plant medicine to their list of cures and aids for their patients.
   I started using plants instead of pharmaceuticals, for my children and I in the 1980s. Since then I've learned even more about how good it is to use plants and how harmful many of the pharmaceuticals can be. I no longer have any trust in modern medicine and feel, with all of my heart and soul, that humanity must revert back to nature's plant medicine for the sake of good health on every level. I, as well as many other people, have felt this way for many decades.
   But now we are faced with the covid vaccine! Many people are protesting it, because it is not right to force people to put man made pharmaceuticals into their bodies...etc. What we put into our bodies should always be a personal choice and we should only choose what we FEEL is healthy, regardless of what other people believe or say.
   I imagine that many health conscious people are just as upset as I am about forced vaccines looming over our heads like a dark cloud that threatens to take away our rights, our choice, our freedom and possibly even our good health. Those of us who do not want the vaccine have been being guilt tripped and shamed and verbally degraded, and in some countries we are even losing many necessary freedoms, due to our choice to not put the extremely questionable new vaccine/pharmaceutical into our bodies!!! This is not right or fair and its even hurtful to us. These dark coercions and degradings should stop. The truth is that we are not stupid or careless or selfish, like what has been implied in many ways. We do not want the vaccines, because WE DO CARE - because we know that the pharmaceuticals and vaccines can be harmful and we want natural alternatives. We are wise. And many of us made this choice long before covid happened. 

 People who chose healthy natural plant medicine over pharmaceuticals made a VERY wise choice that came from genuine care and we should not be forced out of this choice.

Wise doctors have been saying that the healthier people are - the easier they can fight off any illness, including this covid pandemic. This is true. So, there should be a heavy focus on becoming healthier and on there being better food options in ALL grocery stores.
   Things like the old types of garlic are a natural cure for all sorts of viral and bacterial infections, but this has been being taken off the market and replaced with larger and far less potent garlic. The old effective garlic should be brought back and so should all the other older varieties of natural plants/produce that can help prevent and cure illnesses. This is the wise and healthy way to go. There should also be more doctors disclosing, and more public broadcasting of, the plant based diets, which became scientifically proven cures for illnesses since around 1950s. (The Kempner diet of rice and fruit is one example of these diets.)

Natural alternatives to the vaccine should be advertised and encouraged, just as much as the chemical vaccines have been, so that there is an option for people who care about themselves and others enough to want assurance of good NATURAL health and no possible side effects.

I feel sure that common plants can help us far more than the vaccines and other pharmaceuticals can. Here is a list of only a few of the masses of plants, which can prevent and cure viruses, especially when they are the old natural varieties. Your own research can come up with many more. Most of these plants are easy for people to quickly grow themselves and most of their leaves can be safely eaten raw. (Chew them very well, if you do not crush them.) They are very safe. I have eaten ALL of these and more; Cinnamon, Thyme, Dandelion, Goldenseal, Licorice, Ginger, Garlic, Sage, Fennel, Basil, Oregano, Lemon Balm, Peppermint...etc. Follow your own instincts or a wise herbalist's recommendations on how much to consume and how often. And keep n mind that the fresh herb is better than dried, so we should grow as much as we can ourselves. 

I've been consuming a lot of garlic, fresh lemon juice, ginger root and herbal teas. And I have also been eating mostly a plant based diet. I feel that, if the covid pandemic is really only a virus, this will protect me against it. Yes, I do question what covid really is and how bad it really is.

In our currently VERY troubled world, it is wise to question and make sure of what is real and true and good and healthy, because there has been a lot of misinformation and deception and ignorance, especially in the medical field.

   I have wondered, from the start, if the covid pandemic, and the vaccines for it, may be yet another part of the evil targeting of (and/or enslavement of) humanity. I have many questions... Was the pandemic really as bad as has been said or believed? Was it a cover for mass murder of targeted people? Will the vaccine be used as a cover for mass murder, either through harming those who had it or harming those who refuse to be vaccinated? Are the evil forms of "population control" still covertly happening to humanity?
   I know for a fact that certain types of microwave targeting can inflict the same symptoms as covid. And I know that much of the medical profession has been heavily involved with the targeting of masses of people and the enslavement of humanity, through things like nondisclosure of false illnesses, the implanting of microchips into targeted people (especially since around the 1950s) and through the prescribing of many types of pharmaceuticals, which intentionally aid mind control through blocking people's feelings and instincts and leaving them more susceptible to various types of brainwashings, including that which is done with radio waves. Is the covid vaccine yet another pharmaceutical that aids the mind control - the enslavement of humanity - the blocking of peoples hearts and instincts...etc? Do all people get the same vaccine or do targeted people (or less controllable people) get a different one? Are most of the victims of covid also victims of the microchipping and technological tortures?
   People who are aware of the evil covert targeting of humanity are also suspicious of covid and the vaccine and justly so, especially since the targeting has not yet been fully exposed and stopped.
   Is the opposite true? Are there good intentions with the vaccine? (Surely there are in most people who promote it, even if they are not aware enough or free enough to make good choices or recommendations.) Is the vaccine a covert attempt to help people deflect the radio wave targeting and the enslavement process? Or is it a real attempt to stop a real pandemic? If so, the vaccine still does not feel good or right to me. We must have healthy alternatives to the vaccines. I deeply feel that we do NOT have to be vaccinated, in order to be healthy, and that the opposite is far more apt to be the real truth.

No matter what may or may not be happening with the vaccine, we should ALL have the freedom to make our own choices for ourselves and we should not lose any other freedoms or be punished or degraded or shamed for choosing to consume healthy plants instead of pharmaceuticals/vaccines for medicine.

Please be fair and kind and considerate.

P.S. I believe that the pandemic and it's vaccines are most likely part of the evil targeting of humanity, or are at least being used by that force for many dark aims. Unfortunately, it appears that many of us will continue to be harmed and/or killed, no matter what we do or do not do, until officials are able to stop the covert targeting from continuing. All aspects of the evil targeting of humanity should be fully exposed and stopped, whether covid and the vaccines are a part of it or not, so that people can make wiser choices and heal from what has been done and be free and healthier on every level.

My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine

When it comes to conflict, its important to be wise enough to look at both sides, before passing judgement. Most of us do this; we ask ...