Sunday, November 21, 2021

If Only (Song)

If Only
copyrighted with all rights reserved, by Sharon Rose Poet

If I could safely be there for you
That is surely... what I would do.
If only I could and if only you knew
That my love is real - It's true.

I'm stuck in this rut they dug too deep
I hurt. And I cry sometimes in my sleep.
Sometimes it hurts far worse than bad -
The loss of all that we should have had.

If only their rein did not control
If only we all could just let it go.
If only the Light were allowed to shine
And all good wishes come this time.

CHORUS If I could safely be there for you
That is surely... what I would do.
If only I could and if only you knew
That my love is real - It's true.

If only they had only love in mind
and could be... nothing but kind.
If only. If only. If only they could.
If they could they surely would.

If only we were all free to live
The love that our heart want to give.
If only you all could fully see.
If only we were all safe and free.

CHORUS If I could safely be there for you
That is surely... what I would do.
If only I could and if only you knew
That my love is real - It's true.

P.S. I wrote this song about the situation I have with not being able to be there for loved ones due to the horrid covert targeting and it not being believed. What the targeting does to me hurts a lot in various ways. But sometimes what it prevents me from doing hurts more. It has prevented me from being there for loved ones who need me and this has been one of the greatest pains I've had to bear, especially when it comes to my children, grandchildren and elderly father.

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