Tuesday, February 21, 2023

In the Shadows of Targeted Families

The general targeting causes a lot of discord and suffering in targeted families. I sometimes feel guilty when I write about the negative things that have been happening in my family, and when I share my suspicions, because I know that ALL of my family members are also victims of the hell, to at least some degree. But I feel like I have had to stand up for my father and myself and other victims, with the hope that it will help prevent things from getting even worse than they already have been and still are. My public stand to expose the general targeting, since 2011, has always been for my whole family as much as for other victims.

I suspect that, in heavily targeted families, the first born child is damaged in a way that makes them more controllable, and then this child is used to help torment the other children. At least two such infants in my family suddenly broke out in an odd severe rash directly after a doctor visit, and I think this may have something to do with them being injected with something bad that their little bodies reacted to. And the behaviors in those two, and also in my oldest sister, make this suspicion look VERY true.
   MOST family members actually become severe mind control victims, and most of it seems to be through the pharmaceutical blocking of their hearts and instincts as well as radio wave interference with their brain functionThe ones who are singled out to become torture victims (like myself in my family) appear to be people who have big hearts, old souls, very creative minds and are more open to their own natural spirituality. It appears that we are intentionally kept more whole (more unblocked) and are even allowed to grow spiritually to a certain degree..., but then our work and homes and relationships are sabotaged until we are destitute and isolated from all possible sources of help. (Controlled family members are used to help with this cruel process, including with the intentional deprivation of financial help.) Then we are abducted through being either drugged and kidnapped or through a fake covert "rescue."
   What happens to us after we are abducted is probably many different things, but I am sure that one of these things is being consumed by the evil targetors who think that they gain the spiritual power of the beings they eat. I know this due to a prophetic dream I had, which warned me of them having this aim with me. Some may call this "paranoia," but it is the exposing of a truth that can save our lives. There is a lot more to the targeting than this, including the instigation of a lot of suffering and the instilling of feelings of being unloved in most family members...etc., but this is one of the general scenarios in long term heavily targeted families.
   These targeted families are not good for long term torture victims like myself and they can even be extremely dangerous to be too close to. And this is really sad for all family members, but especially for the torture victims who surely are often family loving people like myself. My name is Sharon R. Poet and my family has been being targeted primarily in New Hampshire, in the USA, but it appears to have started in Canada, due to my mother's native roots.

FULL AWARENESS AND FREEDOM IS NEEDED FOR EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF HEAVILY TARGETED FAMILIES LIKE MINE. And I hope it arrives before its too late for any more of us. We matter too.

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