Thursday, May 11, 2023

My Father's 90th Birthday

My second oldest sister crashed through my boundary to send an email invite to the 90th birthday party she is having in Ohio for our father. I'm sure she sent me the invite just to crash through my boundary, and to let me know that they are permanently keeping our father in Ohio, and to try to prove that she is being good to him and to pretend that she includes me. This is the first time they include me, since around 1990. And them suddenly including me now, right AFTER they finished destroying what was left of my relationship with my father, says a lot. I KNOW that my sisters would not want me to attend, unless they can use the event as a way to dig their claws into me even further than they already have.

If they had any consideration for our father, and his other relationships, they would have brought him to his New Hampshire home for his 90th birthday, because that is where ALL of the rest of his closest loved ones are and that is where he has wanted to be... and also because he is a homebody who has always preferred to not go out for family gatherings.

I wish my father could get what HE would want for HIS 90th birthday, if he were free to make his own choices, instead of only getting what my sister's want to do with him for a 90th birthday show.

In my sister's invite she pretends that her daughter's family's farm, which is practically next door to her, is a "neutral" environment. I doubt anyone else is going to view it that way, especially since her daughter's extreme dishonesty and trouble making tactics in this recent family situation, and due to her own close connection with the farm. But I guess she has convinced herself of it being a "neutral" place OR she wants to convince unaware people that she is making an effort to make it "neutral," even though she isn't really doing this at all, which is just like her manipulative cover-up crap.
   There is no way that I would even consider attending that event, under the current conditions, no matter where it was held, because If my sisters are there, and/or if they still have my father manipulated against me, its NOT a "neutral" environment for me, no matter where it is...and this is just simple obvious TRUTH.
    Them turning my father against me again, in the past year, was the end of what little was left of my father and I's relationship since their last sabotages. And this can't change unless they completely set him free AND he realizes the REAL truth about me, which can not happen under the current conditions where both of my sisters are in complete control of him and his life. I no longer expect this to happen at all. But...

This is my birthday gift to my father; my wish for him to be free of the darkness that has kept him isolated from his most caring loved ones and that now also keeps him isolated from his own beloved home; I wish he were living in his own peaceful home for the rest of his life, with GENUINE neutral and kind help (from outside the family) living there with him, and ALL of his children being in their hearts when they visit him, and him being in his heart with ALL of his children and not being manipulated against any of us. I wish he were free and FULLY aware of what has been happening and healed from it. I wish the whole family were aware and healed.
   It is this freedom and awareness and healing, in the whole family, that I have been praying and hoping for through the past decade. But the past years chain of events make it look beyond impossible now. The darkness has gained too much ground and my father is now even more trapped in it than he ever was and there seems to be no way out for him. It looks like a lost cause, at this point. But I still wish he could have that freedom, awareness and healing and heart in his life. I wish the whole family could have it. I wish all of humanity could have it forever.

If only we were all free of the darkness
And good wishes could come true,
There's so much our hearts could do.

P.S. In my last emails to my family, I VERY clearly told my sister and her children that I WANT ABSOLUTELY NO FURTHER CONTACT FROM THEM. They continued through my phone and so I blocked them. Now they have continued through email as well!

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