Saturday, May 13, 2023

"Nowhere Safe"

The following movie is about a girl who is traumatized by hateful people who pretend to be her saying mean and insulting things about other people on a website. My heart ached all the way through it, even the second time I watched it, because I have experienced a similar thing. But my situation was far worse than this one.

In my situation it was hateful members of my own family pretending to be me in my own email account where they had direct contact with my closest friends and some of my family members. And the worse result was my whole family losing trust in me and trusting members of my family thinking that I am insane and should be imprisoned in an insane asylum, and then later even intentionally depriving me of help, while I was going through a tough time, in order to try to force me into an insane asylum. I had no family member to support me and help me through it, like the girl in this movie did, because it was my whole family who was doing this to me, either directly or through blindly believing the lies that were being written and told about me.
   Aside from the emails, my second oldest sister played cruel games to convince my father that I was insane, so that she could use him to convince other people. In one of these games she called me up and, just before hanging up the phone, she told me that she wanted to kill herself. Then she would not answer her phone. I was out of state, so I called my father to go check on her and be there for her. (He lived near her.) And then she told my father that she was fine and that I made it up. As this hell escalated, BOTH of my sisters called other family members and told them that I was being mean and was making up things against them just to cause trouble, so that none of them would listen to or believe me if I said anything about what THEY were doing to me. And their evil game was VERY effective in my family.
   This was all so severely devastating and hurtful to me that words cannot even begin to describe it. It was far too painful for me to even fully face, at that time. Its something that I will probably never fully get over. The loss of my father's trust and respect, the loss of my brother's trust and respect, and the loss of my family as a whole, in this horrid way, is something that cannot be fixed or undone, especially since there was absolutely no support for me, in any part of my own family, when I stood up and told the truth back when it was happening, and still no support almost twenty years later when I more fully stood up with parts of the truth.

This movie is about school kids, but the hateful lies, that turn other people against the victim, are just as devastating to adults, especially when it causes the loss of their loved ones. For some victims its not just one or two events - for some victims it has been an excruciatingly painful ongoing hateful, evil, hell that destroyed their lives. And it all has to stop. Thanks to movies like this one, which is VERY well done, there is hope for enough awareness to spread, in order to help stop the effectiveness of this horrid abuse, which should be made a prosecutable crime.
   This movie has a good ending, because the victim in it had support in a full stand up with the truth about what happened to her. If only all victims could have such kind and caring support. Unfortunately there is no such happy ending for victims like myself who have no support where the abuse took place and who are STILL accused of being the one who is lying, while the evil hateful abuse continues.

Movie; Nowhere Safe

In the past couple years I returned to my family to stand up for my father, because the most hateful and greedy members of the family were aiming to take advantage of him in his old age. I was not able to help him, due to how much control my two sisters have in the family. Now I am standing up for myself outside of the family. I matter too. Even if not to anyone else, I matter to me.

I stand alone, but I have TRUTH on my side.

One question that needs an accurate answer is; why do so many people blindly believe the lies, instead of using their own common sense and instincts? The cause is at least partly due to the mass distribution of brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals. Because so many people are not capable of listening to their own hearts, instincts and common sense, I wish families and schools and work places could have accurate lie detection technologies in radio wave free environments.

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