Thursday, June 29, 2023


I miss the type of news reports that share only the proven facts in ways that are objective, kind and considerate. The news reporters, that share speculations and opinions, are often confusing and misleading, especially when their opinions are negative and the speculations are not true. News should be just real facts. And the gossipy opinions and speculations should not be in it at all.
   And news should NOT be trying to interfere with presidential elections... The news should not be trying to sway people toward or against ANY presidential candidate, because it is just too wrong no matter how its looked at. In a free country like America, we are ALL entitled to a free and unmanipulated choice about who we vote in as our next president.


The reason why there is such a huge movement toward organic foods and "going green" - is because many people, including experts, know that it is really important for us to keep all types of chemicals and toxins and pharmaceuticals out of our foods and out of our bodies and out of our environment. In fact, the health and future of humanity depends on us completing this positive shift. Please realize and respect this truth.

Trying to force people into being vaccinated, through guilt tripping, terrorizing, coercing, manipulating, shaming, brainwashing or any other way, is wrong no matter how its looked at. Please stop doing this to us. Please accept our right to a free and unmanipulated and respected choice about what is done to our own bodies, and that of our children, when it comes to ALL types of vaccines and other pharmaceuticals.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Braking the Silence

Braking the Silence
copyright Sharon R. Poet

It crashed in like boulders
Flung out from the cliff
Where old fires smoldered
And hearts had fallen stiff.
They trashed the real truth
And turned it into "lies,"
Confirming devastation
Among my heart's cries.
They again turned my pain
Into the hate they project.
While demanding silence
And undeserved respect.
I didn't expect them to care
I didn't expect them to see.
Its never even been there
For the likes of little me.
Its my fault. I opened doors -
Put my head on their block.
While cruel waves swelled
To hit my rotting dock.
But I had to stand for him
And all of them and me -
I had to brake the silence
To set the others free.
Did I really think that
I would only succeed.
I wish I'd had a place -
A bit of solid ground,
Where peace and love
Was all I had around.

The Blades

The Blades
copyright Sharon R. Poet

 They sharpened their blades 
And raised them to lash out 
 In the troubles they created 
 To make us hurt and shout.

My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine

When it comes to conflict, its important to be wise enough to look at both sides, before passing judgement. Most of us do this; we ask ...