Wednesday, June 21, 2023

A VERY Unprofessional and Upsetting News Broadcast;

Updated 6-22-2023

I have done a bit more research and have come to the conclusion that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is indeed being targeted. I do not think they will obviously assassinate him, like they did to his uncle and father. But there is just cause for concern that they could use microwave targeting, in order to interfere with his brain function and/or body function. I see some possible signs of this in some of his speeches; to me it seems evident in the way he sometimes only partially articulate things and the way he sometimes gets fidgety. It may just be his understandable nervousness about putting himself in such a difficult and possibly dangerous position. But it may be the subtle levels of microwave interference too.
   They have been VERY obviously using the media to target RFK Jr and make him LOOK "insane" after his speech in Washington about a year ago, as is evident in the article I share below. In that speech he stood up and exposed the satellite surveillance part of the targeting, which I know from painful experience is a taboo subject with the evil forces that are aiming for complete control of America and humanity.

I was shocked when I watched three news reporters mentally abuse and try to defame Robert F. Kennedy Jr. after showing only PART of one of his speeches and pretending that it was about something that it was obviously not even about. Their inconsiderateness and complete lack of news professionalism was hard to watch, but when they got mentally abusive it crossed a line into something that is just too horribly wrong, even if it were not after twisting a statement about surveillance and our inability to run and hide from it, into being about vaccine mandates being compared to Hitler's concentration camps. The abusive statements that these reporters said were, "This is just insanity" and "I think there's something wrong with him." They also insulted him in other ways and laid a guilt trip onto him, through a tweet from Auschwitz Memorial, which claimed that his comparison was "offensive" to holocaust victims. They also launched into the puppet push about how everyone should trust the vaccines and everyone should be vaccinated, which is VERY disrespectful of people's feelings and rights to have a free and respected choice about what is put into our bodies.
   The reporters seemed very proud of themselves for doing all of this - it was shocking to see such gleeful heartlessness in two of themMany people who see this will surely wonder what is wrong when these types of reporters so unprofessionally leap to express their own personal negative, gossipy opinions and happily deliver degradations and insults, instead of doing the research and getting the scientific facts and respectfully reporting the news in ways that are kind and considerate and objective. Aware people know that the place where there is something horribly "wrong" happening in this situation is in that news room. Some would even call it "evil." If only these reporters knew the real truth. If only they could care to. If only they were free to. Hopefully, someday, they will be free to care and understand, thanks to the aware people who have the courage to stand up for them and the rest of humanity even though they are being ridiculed and abused for doing it.

   In this news broadcast they shared only this part of RFK Jr's speech; "What we are seeing today is what I call turn key totalitarianism. They are putting into place all of these technological mechanisms for control that we've never seen before. Its been the ambition of every totalitarian state, from the beginning of mankind, to control every aspect of behavior, of conduct, of thought and to obliterate decent. None of them were able to do it. They didn't have the technological capacity. Even in Hitler Germany you could cross the alps into Switzerland and you could hide in an attic like Ann Frank did. I visited (in 1962) East Germany with my father and met people who had climbed the wall and escaped. So it was possible. Many died doing it but it was possible."  As you can see, he had even stated that this was about "technologies" and the ability to escape a totalitarian situation. The rest of the statement, which they did not share, reiterated this fact by saying,  "Today the mechanisms are being put into place that will make it so that none of us can run and none of us can hide. Within five years we're going to see 415,000 low orbit satellites..." 

The Abusive and Inconsiderate News Broadcast is here

In the end of the video I watched of this part of his speech RFK Jr. appeared to be hinting at the technological torture parts of the evil targeting. He seems to be at least partly aware of the targeting and is using the political platform, in order to stand up and warn people, because they can't legally sensor a man who is running for president like they can other people. He is surely aware of the severe pharmaceutical problem we have and passionately stands up against it, which is a HUGE plus for him in my opinion.  

I do not know if RFK Jr is aware of the microwave mind control part of the targeting. He appears to not be. God help him if he isn't, because they could use it on him and his loved ones, in order to cause him all sorts of problems, if they haven’t already. I hope he is aware of the mind control, because awareness of the mind control part is a the key to surviving it. Its also a key to not misplace blame and to be able to reach a place of understanding for the people/puppets, including the ones in media and governments, who are just being unwittingly used/controlled by the evil forces who want them to be blamed for it all. If only the hearts of aware officials would stand up with the full truth and let people know that they are working on ending this holocaustal situation, so that people can be doing more to help and support each other through it.

Anyone who is aware of the full reality of what has been happening understands exactly what RFK Jr. was talking about in the above statement. And the truth is that; even a LOT more than what he shared there is indeed happening and has been since at least the 1950s. It appears that microwave and laser weapons are built into some satellites for the purpose of physically torturing people/targets who do not comply or do not remain silent. Such radio waves, in conjunction with brain and feeling numbing pharmaceuticals, are also used for mind control. And I have strongly suspected that the covid vaccine/pharmaceutical is part of the control/enslavement program being forced upon all of humanity through instilling fear of illness and death with the covid scare. No, I do not have scientific proof of this, but if you were free to listen to your own instincts, you would probably feel the truth in what I am saying or at least be able to be objective enough to consider its possibility.

The media and other people being used to discredit a vitally important truth, with "conspiracy theory" labels and "insanity' labels and "crazy tin foil hat people" labels...etc., has been happening for over a decade now. It is part of the mind control programming. And it is doing a horrid injustice to the victims of these inhumane crimes.

The puppets have repeatedly done this to me. They also accused me of offending victims of Hitler's holocaust, in 2012 - after I started calling this current crisis a "Technological Holocaust." But I feel certain that, if victims of the holocaust in Germany were aware of what is happening, they would not feel offended by any comparison that can help people realize that a horrid and evil thing is happening now too. They would probably be very understanding and supportive. I also feel that IT IS NOT WRONG TO RELATE WHAT IS NOW HAPPENING, WITH THE HOLOCAUST IN GERMANY, ESPECIALLY SINCE, ACORDING TO SOME RESEARCHERS, IT IS A COVERT EXTENTION OF IT. A GENERAL DIFFERENCE IS THAT...IN GERMANY MASSES OF PEOPLE WERE VERY OBVIOUSLY LEAD TO CAMPS WHERE THEY WERE USED AND TORTURED AND KILLED...AND IN THIS SITUATION MASSES OF PEOPLE HAVE BEEN BEING INCONSPICUOUSLY ENSLAVED AND USED, OR TORN FROM THEIR LOVED ONES AND HOMES AND ISOLATED TO BE TORTURED AND ABUSED AND THEN CALLED "INSANE" IF THEY SAY ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THEM.
   What happened in Germany was surely worse in some ways. But the current situation is worse in other ways, including in the way that severe torture victims do not have the understanding and emotional support of loved ones and fellow citizens, while they experience ongoing satellite surveillance and painful tortures of various kinds. The media and other people being used against those of us who tell people about what is happening, instead of helping us to expose and stop these horrid crimes, is another part of our situation that makes it worse than Hitler’s Holocaust - the survivors of Hitler's holocaust had acknowledgement of what happened to them, and they had support and help from their surviving loved ones and other people from all around the world. Survivors of this current part of the hell have been getting the complete opposite. Even other people who stand up against small parts of what is happening get the opposite, which as is evident in the news article above and many others in the past decade and more. Victims who do not survive either commit suicide, in order to escape it, or are literally tortured into insanity or are inconspicuously murdered with microwave weapons and/or parasite inflictions.

I am partly native American and this appears to be what initially brought the targeting my way. The Jewish never were the only targets of the evil forces that Hitler was involved with, and people need to realize this truth and the fact that this is VERY REAL global crisis.

Losing loved ones through their hearts being blocked by pharmaceuticals, and their minds being manipulated by radio waves, is actually worse than losing them through a sudden death. I know because I have experienced both. The ones who are physically dead are free. The ones who are still alive are trapped in an inescapable evil hell. Telling us that our situation is not real or is "insanity" or that it can not be compared to other evil and abusive targetings (in order to help people realize the gravity of the situation,) is not fair to us and is actually part of the evil targeting. The fact that so many people have lost their compassion and objectivity and their ability to listen to their own instincts is actually proof of the evil enslavement of humanity.

My old websites have been being infiltrated. I just lost two of them. But there is still some info on these two remaining ones. and

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