Wednesday, July 19, 2023

A Scary Dream About Worms in Bread

Last night I had a dream about a man who was making bread for people. The bread had worms in it. There were large worms and small ones. And the large ones were eating the small ones, so they are meat eaters. They were whitish and had little golden or brown stripes across their bodies. My dreams are often prophetic, so I can not help but wonder if this is really happening and what effect these worms would have inside the human body.
   In the dream they were trying to give me the bread, but they were also giving it to many other people. About a week before this dream I had changed my diet back to a more healthy one that included a lot of vitamin C and garlic and was primarily fruits and vegetables and nuts. This was inspired by how ill I have been feeling and the diet plan I recently set up for my father. I knew I had to return to a better diet for myself as well, because I had fallen too far off the wagon in the past year.
   The diet has helped; in the past few days I have been feeling a bit better. So its not surprising that those who watch and target me would want to do something else that would make me sick again - something other than the usual microwaves, which has often been their aim.
   I love bread and they know this and that I would be now aiming to buy some after finishing the semi-fast part of my diet. I was actually going to buy some bread today. I almost did yesterday, but held back because I eat it with plant based butter and did not want to put even just that kind of processed food into my body right now. The bread made at Shaws is what I would have bought today. I wish I had a microscope to check it with, but I don't. Hopefully my posting this will stop the contamination from happening, or make them stop it if it already is happening.

Another scary thing is that this and other types of contamination could happen to any type of food. It is not just bread that targeted people have to be careful of. Puppets in grocery stores have tampered with many of the foods that I frequently buy. I initially found Market Basket to be the worse one. But I have also encountered this at Shaws, where it has repeatedly happened to jars of sundried tomatoes. I can't count the amount of times I found the seal broken on the first jar on the shelf or the only jar that was left there on the day I was to go in and buy another one. Its been whatever store I frequent and there have been many others as well.
   I wonder how many other people end up with the contaminated products that are put on the shelves for heavily targeted people like myself. Its something everyone should be made aware of and be careful of. I have thrown away the jars and have brought some back and told customer service people that the seal had been broken. But I of course do not check them all and I most often try to avoid the things that may be contaminated... when I do not aim to find a good one just to spite them with an attitude that likes to say things like, "So there! I got what I wanted and you did NOT get to hurt me with it. Nah nah nah," like a stubborn child. My little inner kid can be a real brat sometimes, but I'm glad she is. :-)

In the grander scheme of the targeting, its not nearly only heavily targeted people, like myself, who have been being hurt in various ways. We are not even close to being the only targets. The heart of humanity has been a primary target with the pharmaceuticals. And humanity's freedom has been being targeted with the pharmaceutical and radio wave targeting. And much of humanity's foods have been being made less healthy in multiple ways. And all of humanity has been being hurt because of these things. All of humanity must be set free of all aspects of the evil targeting. Its not just us torture victims, but we matter too. We deserve safety and freedom in our own communities and lives too. We do.

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