Saturday, July 8, 2023


Although there are many different causes for brain malfunctions, it appears that the vast majority are caused by things like vitamin deficiency, stress or grief, poor diets with too much sugar, too much animal protein, certain pharmaceuticals, parasites, radio waves...etc. And it appears that they can be prevented, and even cured with combinations of simple things like a healthy grieving process, raw garlic, raw coconut oil, wormwood tincture, chamomile, plant based diets, raw vegetable and fruit juice fasts, radio wave free environments...etc.
    However, the diagnosis of dementia is often portrayed as a death sentence and believed to be just that, like has recently been the case in my family. How sad it is when victims of these sorts of brain malfunctions are left to suffer and die when it could have been prevented or cured with a simple diet change and plant oils or herbs. But this appears to have happened a lot. And in some situations it actually appears to be intentional.

A "dementia" diagnosis should NOT be accepted as a death sentence! Although there are still doctors who portray it as such and prescribe potentially harmful and ineffective pharmaceuticals, there are also many wise doctors who have proven that certain foods and nutrients can not only prevent things like dementia and Alzheimer’s, but can also actually help cure them. Different cases may need different cures, but my gut feeling is that at least most can indeed be cured, as long as the brain has not yet been too permanently damaged and what is harming it can be stopped. Its just a matter of cutting out what is causing the problem and using high doses of plant nutrients to help the body's natural healing abilities to do their job
Below are two video of doctors who are giving needed hope to victims of various types of dementia...

Reversing Alzheimer's With Coconut Oil | Dr Mary Newport Interview Series 1

Nine steps to reverse dementia and memory loss as you age

   Starting about two years ago, I have been sending my father and siblings a diet plan for his memory loss, which was right in line with what these doctors are saying. Although my father told me that he felt the diet was "right on" it appears he got very little, if any, help with it from other family members.
I feel so sad that, due to the targeting, and the state of my family...etc., I was not able to go to my father and set him up with the diet and a juicer. I'd hoped that someone else would, after I sent the info to the whole family. I do not know if anyone has done much of anything about his problem, aside from making it worse through taking him out of his familiar home and community and taking him to the type of doctor who issued the "dementia" death sentence and prescribed pharmaceuticals. I was told that my father's health has worsened since then and they all appear to be now sitting around waiting for him to finish losing his mind and die, instead of helping him. I just sent the above videos to my father, through my sister's email. But I do not know if he will be allowed to get them or if my sister will care to help him with it. I pray that someone will find the heart to help my father with his mental problem, before its too late.

P.S. Like with many other simple and inexpensive and perfectly safe food and plant cures, there have been efforts to prevent people from knowing about it, and to convince people that its "quackery"...etc. In the past week, it appears that one of the pharmaceutical company puppets attacked me in a comment, under one of my statements on the web. He called me a "liar" and said that the essiac formula is "quackery." It should be illegal for them to try to stop people from getting or believing the TRULY helpful and harmless plant cures for illnesses. Intentionally preventing helpful things and letting people suffer and die, is abuse and murder and it should not be allowed to continue.

EVERYONE should be made aware of nature's simple
and harmless and often free cures for illnesses.

Below is my new diet idea for my father and myself...

Three Healing Diet Steps
by Sharon R. Poet

This is a combination of what various wise doctors advise people to do for almost any illness. Wise doctors say that these sorts of diets work best when the patient is also taken off of their prescribed pharmaceuticals. If you want to go off of the pharmaceuticals; consult your own instincts or talk to a wise doctor about it, because you may need to do it slowly and/or supplement with something that is more healthy.
   You can alter this diet to fit your own personal needs or consult a doctor who is familiar with plant based medicines and life style changes to combat illnesses. This three step diet plan is just what I would do for myself, if I could. And its what I would also ask Dad to consider doing for his mental problem. Since I can not help Dad with it, beyond sending him this plan, I hope others will talk to him about it and help him to do this or a similar diet plan that he can feel comfortable with and can benefit from. It can't hurt him and will surely help him to some degree. How much it will help, will not be known until after it is done. Please give Dad a chance for a better quality of mental health.

I would do all three of these diets in a row, starting with the fast...

Three+ Day Raw Juice and Smoothie Fast
Use a juicer and drink juices right away - without refrigerating. Use organic fruits and vegetables that are at room temperature. Use high quality cold pressed organic coconut oil.

Day before fast; Mid afternoon drink one medium to large glass of prune juice to clean out bowels. Eat only a raw vegetable salad for dinner. Plus one clove of raw minced garlic and one teaspoon of coconut oil mixed into a few tablespoons of applesauce and followed with a small glass of water.

Breakfast; One large smoothy; with raw fresh apple juice, fresh pineapple or a banana, one small handful of raw almonds or walnuts, one tablespoon sesame seeds, one table spoon wheat germ, 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder, one teaspoon+ coconut oil. (Powder the nuts, sesame seeds and wheat germ in blender, before adding other stuff.) Plus one clove of raw minced garlic mixed into a couple tablespoons of applesauce followed with a small glass of water.

Lunch; Two ounces of fresh raw broccoli and spinach juiced with one garlic clove and one teaspoon+ coconut oil added to it. (Drink fast, like a shot with a chaser of water.) Plus a large glass of fresh, raw, organic carrot juice; sipped slowly for an hour or so.

Dinner; Large cup or two of vegetable broth, made with a mixture of diced or grated vegetables boiled in fresh spring water. (Put just enough water to cover vegies. Use a lot of garlic and onions and broccoli and greens and beets and carrots, including peels. Boil covered until vegies are tender, then let sit at least twenty minutes. Then strain and drink.) Plus one teaspoon+ coconut oil, and one clove of raw minced garlic, mixed into a couple tablespoons of applesauce and rushed down with a small glass of water.

At least one strong cup of herbal tea every Day; including, Rosemary, Gotu Cala, Ginseng, Sage, Mint, Chamomile.

Drink a lot of spring water in between meals. Add fresh raw lemon juice to at least some of the water. Double the coconut oil on the second day, if it does not cause the runs on the first day (up to two to three tablespoons per day). Continue this for at least three days. Follow your own instincts on how long. Then start the rice diet...

Two+ Week Rice Diet
This is my version of the Kempner Rice Diet with raw juice and coconut oil added to it. Use only organic foods. (For dementia problems; start with the same amount of coconut oil that was used on the last day of the fast, but increasing it to two to four tablespoons per day, if this was not done already.)

Breakfast; Two grapefruits. (Can sweeten with raw organic sugar.) Plus one large glass of fresh fruit juice of any kind. (Add one or two teaspoons coconut oil to the juice, if for cognition improvement.)

Lunch; Two fruits of any kind. Plus One to two cups of cooked organic rice; rinsed VERY well and cooked with one tablespoon of coconut oil and two or more cloves of minced garlic. (NO SALT ADDED. Pepper and natural organic herbs and lemon are OK to season with.) Plus one medium to large glass of raw carrot, broccoli and spinach juice. (Add one or two teaspoons coconut oil to the juice, if for dementia.)

Dinner; Same as lunch.

At least one strong cup of herbal tea every Day; including, Rosemary, Gotu Cala, Ginseng, Sage, Mint, Chamomile.

Drink a lot of spring water in between meals. Add fresh raw lemon juice to at least some of the water. Continue this diet for at least two weeks. Follow instincts on how long. (The usual is two weeks to two months.) Then start the Mediterranean diet or a plant based diet....

Mediterranean or Plant Based Diet

Lot of raw leafy green salads with fresh vegies and raw nuts. Only whole grain and organic foods. NO PROCESSED FOODS. Follow the traditional diets, but with NO DAIRY FOODS (or rarely dairy - perhaps one serving per week or month). Plus continue the herbal teas and fresh raw juices - at least one glass of raw fruit juice and one small glass of raw vegetable juice and herbal tea every day. Do the three day raw juice fast at least once per month. (If for dementia; continue using the coconut oil daily...experimenting with amounts and noticing how it effects cognition. If it seems to be cured, slowly lessen the coconut oil intake and see if he stays stabilized. Increase again if needed. )

Remain on the Mediterranean or plant based diet for rest of your life. The Mediterranean diet includes meats - mostly fish, and the plant based diet doesn't include dairy or meats and is more healthy. Its your choice. There are many good recipe books on these popular diets. Buy some. Get lots of exercise. And drink a lot of spring water.

Note; If this was used for Dementia or other serious illness; if the first two steps did not improve condition or only helped a little bit; do the whole thing again about a month later and do the fast and rice diet for longer and add other plant medicines that are known to be for the illness. Also consider doing the essiac formula....

The Authentic Essiac Formula

6 ½ cups of burdock root (cut)
1 pound of sheep sorrel herb – powdered
1/4 pound of slippery elm bark – powdered
1 ounce of Turkish rhubarb root – powdered (weight measure)

Mix herbs together well. Store in glass jar, in dark place. When making the formula use a one to five ratio; 1/4 cup herb mixture in 1 and 1/4 cups of water. Cover tightly. Boil ten minutes. KEEP COVERED WHOLE TIME. Let sit over night. Strain and use. Take one to two ounces three times per day. I don't know how long for - perhaps at least a week or two? Follow your own instincts.
Note on Essiac Ratio; I remember the original formula having the five to one ratio, but I have not been able to confirm this, because I gave my book away and its no longer in print, and it appears that this part of the original formula is now being hidden from the public. I do not think I am wrong on the ratio though, because when I made it I followed what was in the original book and I am 100% sure that it ended up being a thick slimy substance and NOT like a tea at all. But follow your own instincts on how strong to make it and how long to take it. OR find someone who has the old "Essiac" book, which was being sold in book stores in 2006 and earlier.

My Advise; Resist unhealthy temptations. Love yourself enough to take better care of yourself at least most of the time. Support and help loved ones who can benefit from this diet. Focus on healing and getting better. Create a peaceful and comfortable and supportive environment for yourself and others.

If you want to consult a wise doctor about this diet, there are many doctors all around the globe who specialize in healing instead of only issuing death sentences and/or prescribing pharmaceuticals that often cause more harm or mask the symptoms instead of addressing the core problem. I little research could surely find a wise doctor in your area. ( This diet can't block radio waves, but it can help eliminate bacteria, parasites and toxins, and it can improve many vitamin deficiencies and help unclog arteries in the heart and brain, help cure autoimmune diseases, help improve brain function...etc. )

I love you, Dad.

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