Thursday, August 24, 2023

Ode to Sinead O'Connor

About a month ago I found out that Sinead O'Connor died, but then I forgot about it, probably due to my state of overwhelm. But now I'm facing it...

Nobody is saying how she died, but it was probably a suicide. I believe that she was an unaware Targeted Individual and that this was part of the cause of the unbearable hell she has experienced in the past three decades of her life.
   Her life story is a heart wrenching one that goes from having a very religious and extremely abusive childhood, to almost instant fame with her poems and songs, to being unjustly judged and ridiculed and degraded....etc.
   She was treated horribly, by masses of people, after she publicly tore up a picture of the pope while saying "Fight the real enemy," back in the early 1990s. Only now, is there just starting to be an understanding of why she did this. I understood it the first time I saw it. It was a bit of a crude way of saying it, but this was understandable because of the pain she was in and the fact that she was literally fighting for freedom from the extremely abusive parts of the catholic organizations. It is sad that so many people do not realize the damage that has been done to masses of people, in the catholic schools and institutions, and how much control the dark parts of that organization has also had outside of those institutions. People need to know and it has to be stopped.

I hope Sinead's soul is truly free and at peace now. I'm not grieving for her death, because I'm glad she is now free of the hell that relentlessly targeted her. The torment I saw in her a few years ago was heart wrenching and I'm glad its over. I grieved for her back when she was begging for help on youtube and was blaming only herself and "mental illness" for what was happening to her. Over and over again she cried out for a Love that was so obviously not there for her in her life. My heart ached for her and I had reached out to her, but I do not know if she ever got my messages. She and many others blamed her distress on her childhood, but it was not just that. She certainly was a wounded person, but my insights say that she was also a very heavily targeted person. We will probably never know how much of her woundedness was inflicted by the covert targeting and pharmaceuticals, but a lot surely was.

Sinead started her adult life in a state of grief, but with a good poetic heart that wanted to help save and heal the world, which is evident in her "Famine" song. But she ended up torn between agony and a bitter toughness that only the evil targeting can instill.

Before Sinead left us she wrote an audio book called "Rememberings," and she and Kathryn Ferguson did a documentary about part of her life. They are now being sold on Amazon. I have not listened to them yet, but the video below shares a bit about the documentary.
   Below I also share Sinead's "Famine" video, which was a cry for truth and understanding and healing to take place in the covert targeting of Ireland, and it is akin to the cry of all targeted people in all countries. Her initial focus on exposing the truth, and healing for the damages that have been done, is akin to mine, so I can deeply relate to this part of her stand. But she was shoved down a dark road and her life story can now shine a light into some of the darkest parts of humanity, which we should ALL be facing and healing, instead of being either crushed by it or negatively influenced and used by it. Parts of her story may never be told, because she did not seem to know about the covert targeting of individual hearts that stand up for freedom and healing, and this is one of the saddest parts of all. However, the obvious and well known parts show a lot. Someone wrote that, "the world owes Sinead an apology." And much of it truly does - all the dark and heartless parts that struck out at her, both covertly and overtly. It owes her an apology and it owes all of humanity freedom from its own controlling and torturous hell.

How horribly sad and unjust is it when a person has
to leave their own life, in order to be free from harm?

I hope Sinead's Soul/Heart/Spirit is truly free and is now healing in the arms of pure Love and Light. If only we could all have this right here in our own lives, like we should.

About the Sinead O'Connor Documentary - "Nothing Compares"

Sinead O'Connor - Famine (Official Music Video)

P.S. My tears are welling, not because Sinead is finally free, but because of how she was so cruelly hurt while she was alive. Its just too sad. The untold part of her story is akin to many others that have been silently carried to the grave, mostly due to a lack of awareness. But its also a story that many tortured and suffering targets have told through the past several decades. Its a story that I've been telling for about twelve years now. Have you heard it? Can you believe it? Can you care? Its a story that should be told and proven by people who are not being called "mentally ill" or "conspiracy theorists"...etc. Its a story that can help set humanity free.

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