Friday, October 27, 2023

Poem for the Palestinian People

   My heart is aching for the Palestinian people, because I can relate to their general situation, that has existed through the past fifty years and more. When its evil that is in control, long term Targeted Individuals and larger groups of targeted people go through similar things; homes and lives being invaded by controlling forces that are too powerful for us alone to stop... loved ones being killed just to make us suffer and isolate us... being wrongly and negatively labeled, in order to cover the crimes that have been, and still are, being committed against us... feeling completely trapped while those, who invaded our lives, torture or hurt us and our loved ones in many ways... not knowing when the next severe attack will come and if we will survive it... being misunderstood and feeling like we do not matter to people who could help and save us... being forced to loose our homes... Our businesses being sabotaged or destroyed... the brutal targeting freely continuing until it is too late for us to recover our homes - our land, our bank accounts, our lives - the way we'd lived them... having no safe or healthy or peaceful place to live... losing too much and gaining too little...etc. This morning my tears wrote this poem for the Palestinian people...

"From the River to the Sea"
copyright Sharon Rose Poet 10-27-2023

My heart cries for the poor victims
Who did not matter enough to save,
Who have been forced out of homes 
And into dusty camps and caves. 
Israel finds ways to justify 
While it's victims fight and die, 
Or are chased out of their land. 
And who is there to understand? 
Yes, some victims fight too hard, 
But shouldn't have to fight at all 
They should be free and left alone. 
Can't you hear the desperate call? 
"From the river to the sea 
 Palestine will be free," 
While it still gets blown to hell 
In a disguised evil spell 
That plans to last for many years 
Regardless of lost children and tears. 
The cry that says, "We matter too!" 
 Has not been heard nearly enough. 
Somehow it must finally get through 
The Judgment's - the "terrorist" stuff. 
Beneath the terror on BOTH sides 
Palestinians just want to be free 
"From the river to the sea." 
For decades now - not just this year, 
Suffering in poverty and living in fear. 
Oh please, bring them Loving relief. 
Free them all into permanent peace.

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My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine

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