Monday, March 11, 2024

A Death Used as a Tool for Mental Abuse

This whole situation has been very emotional for me, at a time when I was already struggling with too much. So, I've not done a very good job with describing it. This is a better summery of the core of the severest mental abuse in my family, from its beginning to now...

After much soul searching and wondering who played how much of a role in this situation, where the directive to a will was used for an evil mental abuse scheme, I have come to the conclusion that my father initially went along with it, while being manipulated by my sisters, who took advantage of him being upset with me in the 2006/2007 winter, and that my sisters are the ones who are responsible for it, especially Vivian, who had also instigated the problems that existed between my father and I back then.

In my family I was cruelly targeted by my two jealous older sisters for over fifty years. And the mental abuse scenario started in the 2002/2003 winter... Vivian sent her son to visit me and get the password to my email account. I foolishly gave it to him, after he talked about how funny some people's passwords are and asked what mine was. At that time I could not even imagine anyone intrusively going into my account, so what Vivian did was utterly shocking. She wrote emails against our father, pretending to be me writing to her daughter. Then her daughter sent them to our father. Then our father confronted me about it, which surely surprised Vivian, because they had sworn him to secrecy. I told him it was Vivian who did it, but he didn't believe me, because he'd gotten them from her trusted daughter, and because around this time Vivian also did other cruel things that she blamed on me. One of these things was calling me and saying, "I think I'm going to kill myself" and then hanging up and not answering her phone when I tried to call her back. Then after I called my father to go check on her, (because I was out of state) she pretended that none of it ever really happened. As she was pulling these evil pranks, Vivian proclaimed that I am mentally ill and should be institutionalized. And then my father joined her evil crusade to try to convince me and other family members of this. This was the beginning of the mental abuse hell that has hurt me and others far more than words could even begin to express.

In the next four years I was literally targeted into poverty in a situation where I lost my bank account - my life savings that I was to purchase my next home with. Then I was diagnosed with lupus and faced a near death situation. Through the past ten years I have been struggling to survive while living in a car. And my family has been intentionally depriving me of financial help - keeping me destitute and trapped in a homeless situation. Several years ago a family member told me that I'd only get financial help if I checked myself into an insane asylum. Through the past decade my sisters also plotted to use my father's death as a tool to continue the evil mental abuse scheme, and the intentional deprivation of financial help, through depriving me of an inheritance.

According to their directive to my father's will; in order to even just have the opportunity to get my inheritance, I must agree to be stigmatized with my sister's hateful proclamation/fabrication of me being "insane," and get "treatment" for it - either be imprisoned in an asylum and/or be harmed with unneeded shock "treatment" or psychiatric pharmaceuticals. And I must get closer to the family - where both of my sisters, and people whom they manipulate, can more effectively abuse me. And even if I do these things, it is left up to my sisters if I get the inheritance or not. Its a no-win situation for me - the one they hate and want to hurt and deprive.
   Vivian sent me the directive shortly after my father died. Needless to say, since then, my grief has been compounded by fear for the safety of my sanity and freedom, especially since this was delivered within one year after Vivian and her daughter sent me an email that said, "you should be in an insane asylum."

I never expected to get my inheritance, due to my father being manipulated into putting my sisters in charge of it, which is partly what the fabricated emails aimed to accomplish in 2003. So this is not the primary issue with me. I also never expected my father's death to be used as a tool for my sisters to vamp up their hate filled mental abuse scheme against me, while I am in a state of grief. But they did, in the directive as well as in emails from Vivian's daughter's email account. I should have known that my sisters could easily be this cruel, especially since Vivian's horrid email scheme against both my father and I was done right after our youngest brother's death in late 2002. It appears that Vivian has a habit of slyly striking out with her cruelest crap, while her target is already in a state of grief or after she has instigated emotional turmoil. This is partly how she had manipulated our father and others so effectively. There have been severe forms of emotional abuse also happening in this situation. In the mentally abusive emails, things were very obviously also being said and fabricated just to upset me. The mental and emotional abuse is the worse part of this situation, by far.

Even if Vivian's fabrication had been true - even if I truly were "insane"; what all the people, who have been involved, did is still VERY obviously a hateful game, because THEY HAD ALL KNOWN that I'd worked in a mental health facility and that I had been talking and writing about how harmful I believe psychiatric pharmaceuticals can be, LONG BEFORE they decided that this is what I should be forced to get, in order to get my inheritance. THEY ALL KNOW that I actually HAVE sought professional psychological help and have never been diagnosed with any sort of "mental illness." THEY KNOW that I am not a danger to myself or anyone else - that I do not belong "in an insane asylum." And at least Vivian KNOWS that she is the one who wrote the cruel emails about our father...etc. What they have been doing to me, is not opinions or beliefs and has been intentional hateful mental abuse with harmful intent. And the high levels of greed, in BOTH of my sisters, is also behind them continuing the mental abuse scheme, in order to deprive me of an inheritance. (Nothing for me, leaves more for them.)

And everyone who knew what my sisters were doing, and did not stand up against it, were in agreement with it. A wise psychologist told me that "silence is agreement" in abusive family situations like this. And I feel that she was right. I again must stay far away from my whole family, in order to protect my sanity, and in order to retain my freedom, and in order to keep the hate and chaos out of my life. Although Vivian is the most obvious culprit in this situation, Evelyn has always been her accomplice in the targeting of me, and has been involved in this situation as well as many others. It appears that Evelyn has just let Vivian do all the obvious dirty work in this situation. And they both saw to it that everyone in the family lost their trust in my sanity and would not "enable" my "illness" through giving me enough financial help to get back onto my own feet. Its been a VERY manipulative form of abuse that not only attacks my sanity, but also intentionally deprives me of needed help. (I also feel that my sisters are at least partly responsible for shoving me into destitution, to begin with.)

It appears that there is nothing I can do to force my sisters and their puppets to take responsibility for their hateful mentally and emotionally abusive behaviors. They merely lie about it and Vivian projects all of her own wrong doings onto me. But, when I am back on my feet and feeling better, I plan to use this situation as an example to help form new laws that do a far better job with protecting elderly people from greedy, manipulative, dishonest children, and new laws that protect people from all forms of mental and emotional abuse.
   But for now, I must focus on taking care of myself. My physical health is now poor and my emotional pain runs extremely deep, aside from my worry about whether or not my family is going to unite and force me into an asylum, due to Vivian's fabrications that could be added to at any time. I had not yet healed from the losses that her 2002/2003 mental abuse scheme inflicted upon me, because I kept getting hit with one difficulty after another since then. The biggest loss being that of my family - the loss of my whole family's trust in me and my trust in them, as some of them were trying to hurt me mentally and emotionally, and even physically through intentional deprivation and forced unneeded psychiatric "treatment" and the rest were being manipulated against me. I am a family person so this has cut me VERY deeply through the past two decades. (I love my family even though it does not love me.) And the recent round of abuse and subtle threats ripped open my old wounds and added to them tremendously. Since January 2023 its been like reliving the worse nightmare of my life in double. I have a lot of healing work to do. Tears well as I write this. It all hurts so much.

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