Monday, November 29, 2021

The "New Covid Variant" is just Too Discouraging!

SO....In the previous post I share a letter to officials, which I give permission for people to use in petitions for signatures. Please share it with as many people as possible and send it to officials everywhere.

Petition Letter to Stop Vaccine Mandates

 I give permission for people to use this letter in petitions for signatures. Please share it with as many people as possible and send it to officials everywhere. Or use it as a base for your own.

Dear Global Officials (local thru federal),

I beg you to stand up and help stop all vaccine mandates. Please at least stop all the behaviors which force, coerce, threaten and shame people into being vaccinated. Please do this out of consideration and respect for all of the people who should have the freedom to choose what happens to their own bodies and their own children's bodies, because many people do not feel safe with the vaccines and there are natural alternatives that can help.

   Among the people who do not want to be vaccinated are those who had chosen to use natural medicine instead of pharmaceuticals, in order to become more healthy. This was a large and growing number of wise people who were choosing the natural and more healthy ways of eating and medicating for many decades now. They should not be forced to abandon their good and healthy choices. It is their right to choose natural immunity or natural plant (or "herbal") medicine instead of using potentially harmful vaccines/pharmaceuticals, and they should retain the freedom to do so.
   There are also many people who do not feel comfortable or safe with being vaccinated for other reasons and their feelings should matter. Many people feel that natural immunity is the safest/healthiest way to handle this pandemic and this is probably the truth, for most people. Many people feel that the vaccines are more unsafe than the pandemic and this has actually proven to be true for some people.  Regardless of how safe some of the vaccines might prove to be for most people; if a person does not feel safe with the vaccine they should not be forced to have it, out of consideration for their feelings and to prevent them from being traumatized. It is too wrong to force people to be injected with things that they do not feel safe or comfortable with, especially when there are natural and alternatives.
   Some people do not want the vaccines for private or religious reasons and this should be respected too. ALL reasons for not wanting the vaccine should be respected. People should be free to choose what is or is not put into their own bodies, especially with potentially harmful substances and things that THEY FEEL may be harmful to them regardless of if they really are or not.
   PLEASE respect, and have consideration for, ALL people's feelings and personal choices for themselves. This is something we are ALL obligated to do for our fellow human beings, because it is what is right and humane. Every human being should be free to listen to and follow their own instincts and intuition and to make their own choices about what is put into their own bodies and that of their children.

Please help stop all vaccine mandates and all methods of forcing people to be vaccinated, including the types of force that shame people, that shun people from society, that deprive people of the needed comfort of loved ones being fully there for them, that threatens to take away their jobs - their ability to provide for themselves and their loved ones...etc. Its all just too wrong. Please help us to retain our freedom and restore it in the places where it has already been taken away.

P.S. Please do more to stop man-made inflictions of illness and to implement the production of only the healthiest foods so that people's bodies can remain healthy enough to fight off illnesses on their own. This would keep us safe far more than the continued malnutrition and the mass use of  pharmaceuticals and vaccines, which often really do have harmful side effects even after being approved by the FDA. Please also encourage plant based and home-made alternatives to the vaccines, for people who do not feel safe with the vaccines. We matter too! Please... lets move into a more positive and safe and considerate direction for not only this pandemic, but also for the future wellbeing of all of humanity. Thank you.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Hope for Thanksgiving

I am most thankful for the Light and Love (the real God), which works through the Heart of humanity. I have a vision of the Heart of humanity being free to help Love and Light to grow and spread more than it ever has before. I am thankful for the HOPE this Love and Light ignights in my own heart. I couldn't survive without it.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

If Only (Song)

If Only
copyrighted with all rights reserved, by Sharon Rose Poet

If I could safely be there for you
That is surely... what I would do.
If only I could and if only you knew
That my love is real - It's true.

I'm stuck in this rut they dug too deep
I hurt. And I cry sometimes in my sleep.
Sometimes it hurts far worse than bad -
The loss of all that we should have had.

If only their rein did not control
If only we all could just let it go.
If only the Light were allowed to shine
And all good wishes come this time.

CHORUS If I could safely be there for you
That is surely... what I would do.
If only I could and if only you knew
That my love is real - It's true.

If only they had only love in mind
and could be... nothing but kind.
If only. If only. If only they could.
If they could they surely would.

If only we were all free to live
The love that our heart want to give.
If only you all could fully see.
If only we were all safe and free.

CHORUS If I could safely be there for you
That is surely... what I would do.
If only I could and if only you knew
That my love is real - It's true.

P.S. I wrote this song about the situation I have with not being able to be there for loved ones due to the horrid covert targeting and it not being believed. What the targeting does to me hurts a lot in various ways. But sometimes what it prevents me from doing hurts more. It has prevented me from being there for loved ones who need me and this has been one of the greatest pains I've had to bear, especially when it comes to my children, grandchildren and elderly father.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Ode to my Native Grandma

Ode to my Native Grandma
copyrighted with all right reserved Sharon Rose Poet

There are some things I didn't understand;
As rosery beads hung from your trembling hand,
And coldness lurked where your Heart used to be,
I wondered if you cared or thought about me.

Now I wonder if anyone cared about you.
I'm sure you needed love and comfort too.
Were you hit for coming from the tribe -
Our Native blood now a shame you hide?

Did anyone love you the way you were?
Did anyone hold you when you were hurt?
Did anyone open their Hearts to see?
Why did nobody set you free?

My "Return of Native Spirit" Blog

The Missing Grandmas

The Missing Grandmas

copyrighted with all right reserved 11/14/2021 Sharon Rose Poet

I never had a Grandma to hold me in her arms,
Tell me old stories and adore my faintest charms.
I never had a Grandma to wipe away my tears
And be here for me throughout my younger years.

I wonder, if I had, how different things might be -
How it would feel to have a Grandma loving me.
I wondered what it was that blocked me from her heart.
I wondered why the distance even when we weren't apart.

Now that I'm a Grandma how do I fill that roll
After decades of distance steadily took its toll?
How do I break the pattern and play my rightful part
For the four little ones I cherish in my heart?
How do I soothe the pain in this old empty place?
When will my tears be free to wash my weary face?

Its no longer a mystery - my mind now understands;
The love us Grandmas have is jailed by foreign hands,
Until the Light shines in for our marked families
And all the Grandmas passed and all those yet to be
Are free to love the children whom we can finally see.
I hope our future children never will relate -
There must be an end to these dark twists of fate.

I never had a Grandma to hold me in her arms,
Tell me old stories and adore my faintest charms.
I never had a Grandma to wipe away my tears
And be here for me throughout my younger years.


P.S. The targeting in my family has often deprived us of each others love.  I wish we were free. We should be free to live and heal and love in peace and safety.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Through Love and Light

I shared this on my previous blogs and want to carry it into this one because too many have been taught, by religions, that God is responsible for the bad things that happen to us, and I feel that this is not true. The truth, which I feel to the core of my heart and soul, is...



My Heart Aches for the Palestinian People and Palestine

When it comes to conflict, its important to be wise enough to look at both sides, before passing judgement. Most of us do this; we ask ...